The Weekly Dump 5.18.18

Vacaville Man Fatally Shot Across From Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk

Sunday night around 7PM, a 19 year old man from Vacaville was fatally shot at close range while sitting in a vehicle in the parking lot across the street from the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. The man died from a single gunshot to his upper torso area. Police say he was treated on the scene and rushed to Dominican hospital where he later died. A juvenile and two other adult males, also from Vacaville, were in the car with the victim at the time of the shooting and were all taken into custody. SCPD say they recovered a gun from the vehicle, and now think the victim died from an accidental gunshot wound. This shooting comes less than 24 hours after what happened below……

Juvenile Stabbed at the Boardwalk on Saturday Night

Saturday night around 10PM, multiple reports came in that a juvenile was stabbed in some sort of disturbance that took place near Entrance 5 of the Boardwalk. The victim was described as a male juvenile who was suffering from multiple lacerations to the torso and face. According to witnesses, SCPD arrived pretty quickly and took 4-5 suspects in custody. According to police reports, the juvenile victim crossed Beach street towards a group of males and a fight broke out. During the fight, the victim was stabbed multiple times. An 18 year old Santa Cruz man and 3 juveniles were arrested. The 18 year old is facing attempted murder charges with gang enhancements. The victim was released from the hospital on Monday afternoon and is expected to recover.

Police said the stabbing was gang-related and the victim has been uncooperative with investigators in the case, according to police. Wasn’t that the benefit of being a “Sanctuary City”? (pretty much the only “benefit”). That the local “at risk” community would cooperate more with the police? Is that really happening now? I think it’s a fair question to ask. So many times when it comes to local gang violence, I also see a lack of cooperation with local police on the investigation. I’m not saying it always happens. I have no idea how often it happens. But I think it happens “frequently” and that’s alarming enough to ask where’s the perceived benefit here of an unenforceable proclamation done strictly to pander to a local section of the community that is vulnerable to opportunistic fear mongering.

Now That’s What I’d Call a Big Gun

This past Tuesday, members of the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office Gang Enforcement Team served a search warrant at a hotel room on Ocean Street when during the search, deputies found a high powered rifle and ammunition in the occupant’s room. The man was arrested for being a felon in possession of a firearm and illegal possession of ammunition and was booked into the Santa Cruz County Jail with bail set at $25,000.

Capitola Man Arrested For Illegal Assault Weapons

Members of the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office Gang Enforcement Team served a search warrant at a home on 48th Avenue in Capitola this past Monday, and the result was the confiscation of 10 guns, including several illegal assault weapons in the process of being built. A 43 year old man was arrested for possession of assault weapons, manufacturing and distributing assault weapons and conspiracy.

Santa Cruz City Council Member Investigated for Ethics Violations

Santa Cruz City Councilwoman Sandy Brown was recently investigated by the state Fair Political Practices Commission for ethics violations after public scrutiny of her relationship with her current landlords, who also just happen to be the authors of a pending city rent control ballot initiative. At least one city resident filed a state political ethics oversight complaint against Brown after she confirmed last week that she rents from “Movement for Housing Justice” leaders and the author of the November ballot measure.

Brown claims she did not violate any state or local ethics regulations when voting with the council majority in February to institute temporary emergency rent freeze and just-cause eviction rules. Under city statutes, Brown’s rights as a renter would not be protected by either rent control or just-cause eviction provisions, because she falls within exceptions for property owners of single-family homes and for owners who live on-site. So basically, she gets off on a technicality here. Still doesn’t pass my sniff test though. Honestly, I think it was most likely an oversight on her part. I don’t think she’s smart enough for collusion on this level.

The Needle and the Damage Done

I know I sound like a broken Neil Young record here sometimes, but our own county enables the drug problems and issues we suffer from today. Misguided, idiot compassion.

Santa Cruz County Discarded Needle Count over 17,000

Not in John Leopold’s Backyard

The jokes just write themselves with this dingleberry.

Dear Constituent,

The City of Santa Cruz has been leading the process of trying to identify a new location for a temporary homeless shelter. They have been working with the County of Santa Cruz to look at various options. During this process of seeking a new location the City has proposed a number of County owned and City owned parcels inside the City limits and outside the City limits. It has come to my attention that the City of Santa Cruz is now looking at the Santa Cruz Metro Park and Ride parking lot at the end of Paul Sweet Road as a possible new location for a temporary homeless shelter. I have concerns about this proposed location, especially since they just targeted your area with a proposal in DeLaveaga Park. I am working to get more information, but I wanted you to know as soon as I did in case you wanted to reach out to your Santa Cruz City Council members with questions or concerns about this proposed use at this location. The Council can be reached at Or they can be emailed individually by visiting their website HERE. When I know any more information, I will try to share it with you. Please let others in the neighborhood know as well.

Take care,

John Leopold
Santa Cruz County Supervisor, 1st District

Drunk Motorcyclist Taken Down in Scotts Valley

Early last Friday morning, a drunk motorcyclist led Scotts Valley police on a chase through town before crashing into a yard.  The motorcyclist led police on a pursuit throughout Scotts Valley until he lost control trying to turn around in a resident’s front yard, where an officer was able to tackle him before he attempted to flee again. The man was found to be intoxicated and did not have a license to operate the motorcycle, and was taken to Santa Cruz County Jail.

Felon on Probation Arrested With Half Pound of Meth

Last week, a Santa Cruz County Sheriffs Deputy stopped a car driven by a man in the area of Oak Street and Harmon Street in Boulder Creek. The driver was on felony probation for burglary and his car was searched. Inside the car, they found approximately 230 grams (8.10 ounces) of methamphetamine. The driver was arrested for transporting drugs and a violation of his probation. County Probation! The gift that keeps on giving us guys like this!

Accident Near Davenport Leaves Victim With Major Injuries

A head on collision between two SUVs near Panther Beach south of Davenport left at least one person with major injuries. A witness reported seeing a white SUV going south at a high rate of speed before swerving into the northbound lane and hitting the other car head on. It is unknown why the car swerved, or the extent of the victim’s injuries.

Opportunity Criminals Arrested in Santa Cruz

Last Friday night, Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s detectives stopped a pair of Salinas residents who were driving through Santa Cruz towards Davenport. During a search of their vehicle, detectives found stolen property, burglary tools and drug paraphernalia. Both suspects were arrested and charged with multiple counts of auto burglary, fraudulent use of credit cards, stolen property and drug related charges. The pair are suspected to be responsible for more than a dozen car burglaries around the county.

Just Another Friday Night Drunken Brawl

Friday night around 10PM, reports came in about 4 guys brawling near May and Water streets. Apparently, a crowd of people was standing around watching and not doing much else. Sounds like it happened behind Callahans. Witnesses thought everyone that was fighting was drunk. Let me guess. They all just came from Callahans?

Local Bum Steals 9 Year Old’s Backpack From Swim Center

Last week, a 9 year old boy had his backpack and lunch bag stolen from the Simpkins Swim Center. This past Monday, Deputies located a female transient on the railroad tracks near the swim center who was found to be in possession of the boy’s stuff. She was arrested for theft and the 9 year old got his stuff back. This is what we have to live with daily here. Shit like this. “Nuisance crime”. Who’s the real nuisance here? Not the person calling it in.

Someone is Due for a Karmic Beatdown

Sometime last Sunday night, thieves broke into the Benefit Shop at 2260 7th Avenue and stole watches, jewelry and other valuable donated items worth thousands of dollars. The Benefit Shop raises money to support services and programs like the Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter. Stories like this really irritate me. I know Project Purr has been broken into a number of times at their location downtown. It’s really pathetic to steal from stores that support animal welfare. For more information please visit their website.

Looking For a Quiet Place to Sleep

Friday night around 9:45PM, reports came in about a transient male sleeping in the hallway of a closed office building on the 100 block of Locust street. When SCPD arrived on scene, the guy was gone but apparently, he got into an elevator and disabled it. Someone really didn’t want to be woken up here.

New Rehabilitation and Re-Entry Facility Opens in Watsonville

The Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office recently re-opened their Rountree facility in Watsonville to help with rehabilitation and to at least try to keep people out of jail. The Sheriff’s Office said the Rehabilitation and Re-Entry facility is part of a “tiered incarceration plan”, and will provide a variety of educational and vocational program areas, interview and counseling rooms, classrooms, indoor recreational areas, and improved areas for visitors. The facility has 64 beds and should help with overcrowding in the main jail. Long overdue.

Santa Cruz Launches World’s Ugliest Bike Share Program

Looking for adventure…and whatever comes our way!

The City of Santa Cruz just launched a new bike share program, and holy hell are those bikes hideous! I honestly think they made them so ugly to prevent even the most desperate thieves from stealing one. I’d be embarrassed to be seen on one. But I guess the city doesn’t care about aesthetics (we all know that already!), and by awarding an “exclusive” contract/license to a 3rd party vendor, it’s basically a free revenue stream for the city, who is desperate for a free revenue stream of any kind right now. Apparently, the city was able to negotiate a “no cost to the city” contract, where all of the capital and operating expenses are covered by the selected vendor (Jump Bikes). There are currently 15 bikes available around the city. By the end of the month, the city is aiming to get that number up to 250 with more than 25 locations to rent the bikes. To use them, a person has to download an app on their cell phone or go to the company’s website. After creating a login and putting in payment information you are given an account number you use to unlock the bike. To address theft and vandalism concerns. each bike has a GPS tracking device attached. You can find more information on the Bike Share program and locations of the bike racks here.

The Happy Story of the Week!

Thursday morning, I heard Sarah, the woman who was nearly raped in broad daylight in downtown Santa Cruz a few weeks ago, had her window smashed in by some local, county supported tweeker, probably in a quest to fill his free, county supplied needle. When others on social media learned about this, a very kind community member who works at a local auto body shop offered to replace the window free of charge. Thanks to Adam at Anthony’s Auto Wrecking at 980 17th Avenue. Throw Adam and his co-workers some love and business. Step up for the community that steps up for you.

It’s Our Two Year Anniversary This Week!

For the past 104 straight weeks, we’ve been serving up a hot, nasty slice of vibrantly honest truth about the weekly comings and goings of Santa Cruz. I just want to thank everyone that reads it (or has read it), shares it, comments about it, and especially those of you that like it so much, you subscribe to it every week. Thanks for sharing your time and attention span here.

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16 Responses

  1. Happy birthday!
    Thank you Watsonville police for finding our stolen car (stolen in SC) that was totaled.
    Shame on you, to whoever sideswiped my grandson on his bike and took off. Knocked two teeth out and had eight stitches.

  2. That guy was making mini ARs that you could hide under your shirt and selling them to our local tweeker population. Cheers to our local law enforcement for taking him down!

  3. Regarding Sandy Brown..Does anyone find it more than a paradox that the specifics of renting in a household exempts her and her Movement For Housing Justice landlords for their specific circumstance and her landlords helped craft the rent control measure. The three are contemporaries, all Phd’s and you have one segment of the household or possibly the entire household developing the rent control measure, employing their army of college student petition signature gatherers. ( Yes Sandy and her landlords all current or former college educators)….and then Sandy votes on actual implementation of their measure for all of Santa Cruz.

    What is even more disturbing is that one of her landlords, Michelle Glowa is seen in a Youtube video proclaiming with another Santa Cruzan and former college professor that they want the end of private property ownership and that agricultural land should only be owned solely by people who work the land/ crops. Very socialistic, even Marxist it would seem and then Sandy Brown pushes for implementation of their rent control desires, possibly the first big step in removing incentives for property ownership…..and in line with at least some household held political views. Brown should have recused herself and any sensible person can see why. She also should be queried about her”big picture” philosophy and agenda that may be contrary to American values.

    Here is the Glowa video and she is an official author of rent control in Santa Cruz and Sandy Brown’s landlord.

  4. Been following the rent control / just cause eviction on Nextdoor and I agree with what bluesy1 said (above) – plus the video is a real eye opener. Wake up folks

  5. HAPPY BIRHDAY!! And thank you for continuously bringing to light the real shit storm this city and county finds itself mired in.

  6. Sandy Brown had plenty of co-sponsors on city council. Martinez Watkins and Cynthia Chase on this for months. Cynthia Chase is in this up to her elbows — her politics track Browns.
    If these measures pass, woe unto us. There will years of lawsuits and fewer rentals.

  7. In the bike share part, it says the city has 15 bikes. I think you meant 150.
    Love reading the mierda every week.

  8. Happy anniversary. You are performing a great service for the community. Your writing style is informative and entertaining. In 10-15 minutes a week the reader can get important and relevant information about one of the most pressing issues for our safety-minded Santa Cruz residents.

    Thank you for your commitment and very impressive work product. You are our voice!

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