The Weekly Dump 8.2.19

Argument Leads to Shooting at Downtown Metro Center

Wednesday around 4PM, gunshots rang out at the Metro Center in downtown Santa Cruz after an argument between two men resulted in one man shooting at least 4 rounds from a handgun, which was later recovered blocks away in nearby Birch Alley. According to SCPD reports, both the suspected shooter and a possible victim left the scene before they arrived. At least one unoccupied parked car was hit multiple times by gunfire and multiple shell casings were found at the scene. Nobody has been arrested and they have no suspects.

Boulder Creep Assaults 61 Year Old Man Downtown

This past Monday, a 20 year old bum thug from Boulder Creek assaulted a 61 year old man in the doorway of his home on the 100 block of Cedar street. He was hit with a river rock weighing almost two pounds. The attack on the victim appears to be completely random. The victim is recovering. Officers quickly located and arrested the suspect. SCPD was familiar with him since he was arrested three days earlier by the Sheriff’s office for being under the influence of drugs. He was arrested yet again for assault with a deadly weapon. Did you know the Chief told us crime is down and we’re overreacting here?

Pull a Knife and Get Your Face Broken

I heard a story from a friend whose son was walking with his girlfriend early Wednesday evening when they were confronted by some local shitbag on the levee behind the Sherwin Williams store off Front street. First he verbally threatens them, then he pulls a knife on them. My friend’s son, who isn’t a small guy or easily intimidated, quickly moved his girlfriend out of harms way and then took this thug down and broke his face. After they called 911 and SCPD responded, the guy with the bloody busted face was arrested. I like happy stories. The threat of a busted face is a pretty good deterrent. Just saying.

The School of Hard Knocks

Sunday night around 11:30PM, a 23 year old Felton man was arrested near Cathcart and Cedar streets in downtown Santa Cruz for pulling a gun on someone. To make matters worse, the gun wasn’t his. He was arrested for brandishing a weapon and possession of a stolen gun. His occupation is listed as “student” and last check he was still sitting in county jail.

Dubious Lawsuit Against the City of Santa Cruz Dismissed

The bum army (aka the local “homeless union”, led by a Saul Goodman doppleganger) that has been wasting taxpayer resources and money the city could spend in much better ways had their latest “appeal” denied in federal court on Wednesday.

denied and dismissed“. That should sound familiar to some people. Grifters grift. Pretending to be a lawyer doesn’t make you a lawyer.

One For the Harm Reduction Road Show

This is what enabling junkies with free needles gets you.

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Friday night around 5:30PM, SCPD responded to Plaza lane at Cedar street in downtown Santa Cruz and arrested a 39 year old transient for assault with a deadly weapon, possession of a controlled substance, and a probation violation. Sounds like the usual downtown vagrant!

It Was 20 Years Ago Today

Bumper Cars at the Aqua Breeze

Last Saturday night around 6:30PM reports came in about a vehicle smashing up parked cars in the parking lot of the Aqua Breeze Motel on 2nd. No word if anyone was arrested.

Don’t Pee On My Rainbow

Drunk Joyride Ends With Ride to Jail

Monday night, a Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s deputy was flagged down by a guy in Watsonville who had his Silverado pick up truck just stolen from him. After advising additional deputies on patrol, the pick up was spotted driving northbound on Highway 1 near State Park Dr. After stopping the vehicle and arresting the suspected thief, they requested CHP to conduct a DUI investigation. The driver is now in custody for stealing the vehicle, being in possession of a stolen vehicle and DUI.

Hunger Strikes

Wednesday afternoon, a Watsonville man was driving a box truck on Freedom Blvd. near Petery Lane when he reached for some snacks in his cooler sitting on the passenger side floorboard. As he was distracted, the truck veered off the road and hit a telephone pole, flipping the truck and knocking the telephone pole down. Nobody was seriously injured but Freedom Blvd. was closed for several hours to clean up the mess he left behind.

Where to Sign the Recall Petition This Week!

We still need more signatures in the effort to recall Drew Glover and Chris Krohn from the Santa Cruz city council.

  • Westside Surf and Skate, Summer Block Party
    Friday, August 2nd
    5:30 – 8:30PM
    345 Swift Street
  • Saturday, August 3rd
    10AM – Noon
    Mission street extension and Western Drive
  • Whole Foods (On Soquel Ave)
    Monday, August 12th
    4:30PM – 6:30PM

Y&T Plays For Free at the Boardwalk!

Formed in Hayward in 1974, Y&T has sold over 4 million albums worldwide to date. Two free shows at 6:30 and 8:30PM.

Weekly Shoutouts and Thanks!

I just want to thank Surf City Barber Shop, Stockwell Cellars, Central Coast Welding and Fabrication, Java Junction Coffee Roasting, Union Foodie Truck, KSCO, Bone-A-Fide Dog Care, Brooks Properties, Carolyn Livingston Campaign Services, Damon Bruder Construction, Biomarcommunications, Jane Becker, and all the other local businesses and business owners who are actively supporting the recall efforts. Please support these brave local businesses, who are being stalked and harassed by recall critics for simply exercising their first amendment freedom of speech rights. They deserve our ongoing support and our business.

The Santa Mierda Podcast Network

Be sure to check out the Santa Mierda Podcast Network! We’ve got the latest “Unfiltered” by yours truly, as well as a new podcast, “Untreated” from Sharona. You can find the Santa Mierda Podcast Network on SoundCloud. And Apple Music. And Spotify. It’s free so check it out and give it a listen! Next new podcast should be coming this Sunday night!

Check Out Our Twitter Feed for More Mierda!

Be sure to check out and follow our Twitter feed for even more mierda! Even though the Dump only comes your way once a week, I try to post breaking news and updates on other days as well. So check us out and follow us on Twitter for even more updates about real time news in Santa Cruz you might not otherwise hear about.

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51 Responses

  1. Oh dear lord, when is #enough,#enough !!
    20 years??? Really ??
    Baby born with drugs. That to me is so sad. The day my daughter had my lil buddy, there was a baby born the same time with all kinds of drugs in his system, the crying or screaming was so absolutely heartbreaking to hear. It got real quite the next day, I asked the nurse about the baby and he had passed. Heartwrenching to say the least.
    I am so glad to hear that the Federal lawsuit got dismissed!! As it should of been. So much money spent, which could of definitely be used for other things.The shooting downtown is just more insanity. I just don’t understand how we keeping flying down the poop shoot fast and still have no consequences ?
    Broken face guy, I am sure is not feeling all that great. Shout out to the one who said not today !! Protecting himself and his girlfriend he deserves a medal ! A Big Thank You, and Big Shout out to all the people and places that are collecting signatures !!! Let’s get those signatures done before the end of August !!
    Thanks Ben !!!!

  2. Ya just more of the same stuff we have to put up with in SC!! Being a security Gaurd in downtown SC I get to see these junkies get away with drug use and drug possession cops don’t check to see if bikes are stolen ect ect. I stoped a guy walking around with a machete at 4am a few days ago I mean literally walking around just carrying a machete and just staring at buildings. It should just be illegal to be homeless/junky/criminal in this town or at least make a curfew so when these junky criminals are out at night or early morning they can be legally stopped questioned and if need be searched. I know they do the same stuff during the day but at night it’s easier to spot people just up to no good as it is right now 1:42am downtown I’ll see these junkies just doing whatever riding on bikes scooters and skateboards and looking like they own this town and they basically do. I’ve spoke to a few of these types since it’s apart of my job and for the most part they want to be left alone-keep in mind these are people looking into people cars,trying door handles, trying to get into businesses that are closed doing drugs,buying drugs-prostituting themselves or someone else ect ect. So they don’t want to be left alone so much as they just want to do whatever they want with no consequences. I’ve literally seen one guy go up to a restaurant at 3am and was just shaking the door trying so hard to just make it open,I observed him for about 2min when I shined my light on him he got angry and stated “ for all I know he owns this building and I need to F*** off” he then took off his jacket and tried to fight me. PD didn’t even give him a ticket! A guard before me almost got jumped by 4 of these “ homeless” we care so much about he luckily made it to his car and got away then quit. Who does this town belong to? Addicts and criminals or working class and students!!??

    • Dave this is truly shocking and I’m very happy that you reported it like it is. Chief Mills and his police oughta be ashamed of themselves, as well as the clowncil. The citizens need to know that the”zookeepers” are a main cause of he problem and you’re doing a good job exposing that. Keep up the good work and be sure to vote for the recall. It’s not much but at least it’s a start.

      • Ya it’s now 5:13 am. Saw a guy all in black walking towards my post until he saw me then he just turned around and headed back to a bench we’re another guy all in black is sitting. I know that if these two guys were in Scotts Valley,Aptos or Watsonville the first law enforcement officer that saw them would stop and question them for any number of reasons but not here in SC. My wife and I joke around and say we should just start using SC as these “people” do-don’t work don’t have any responsibility’s use hard drugs get a ebt food card get some cash aid from Emeline and harass the public and then sleep pee and crap wherever we want. I see a few regular working folk go to there cars in the odd hours of the morning they usually ignore me but if there a “ homeless “ person anywhere near by I’ll see them look to see if I’m around and then wave to me like there trying to acknowledge that I’m trying to watch them walk to there car and I’m there if they need me. What a way to live when you look to a security Gaurd for safety. They need to make a curfew and if your out after that curfew you should be stopped and questioned as to what your doing out. If your have a legitimate reason well then no problem but if your walking around with 2 bikes and have a mask covering your face and drugs on you and possibly other things well….

  3. And thanks for giving me a place to share what I see and my opinions. I don’t want to say we’re my posts are at give my real name or what company’s I work for. But I’m not hard to find I’m one of the only guards in SC doing foot patrol and I don’t carry any defense weapons cause I’m afraid if I do and i have to use them I’ll be the one in trouble since these “addicts,homeless,criminals “ seem to have more rights then your average citizen or Gaurd do. I think maybe if I got severely injured or killed MAYBE SC will change how they view these “ poor homeless people “ and ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. SANTA MIERDA!!!

      • 3:30am a guy black male was riding by on a beach cruiser cursing saying suck my D and what not very vulgar and loud I honked my horn lightly in disgust. Next thing I know this guy is in front of my vehicle off his bike ready to fight- because I honked. It’s been almost an hour and no PD. I did my best to follow the guy as he’s making death threats to me my wife and kids saying he’s going to find out where I live. He tried several times to run at my car as he was saying I’m gonna take you out of your car beat me/kill me then take my car search for paper work to find my address go to my house kill everyone in the house then lead cops on a high speed chase and do suicide by cop. He sees I’m in full uniform so if I were just a regular person he probably would have attacked he assumed I had a taser or pepper spray so he was reluctant to get to close. Him being on a bike he got away easy I spent 20 min looking for him called PD 3 times cause he said many times “this isn’t over” he knows my post he knows my vehicle so ya I doubt this is over. These people are ticking time bombs but SC treats them like big babies that can never do wrong. It’s 600$ for a decent taser gun 30$ for pepper spray with these “ street people” are getting used to so it’s not guaranteed to work on some of these “people”. Basically if done right these “people “ would be able to get away with murder considering they are allowed to roam all over this town unchecked day and night

      • 5:14 am PD was busy with a shooting,yup. So I got a phone call from PD-so not even a report taken. Told my story of course they know the guy dealt with him just a few days ago and know where he hangs out once I told the officer he was wearing a grey flannel jacket, grey pants and a black beach cruiser-good thing these people only have so many outfits. When I was new this stuff would bother me not that I don’t think anything will happen to me I just got used to my life being threatened. Like someone wrote I get paid less then a cop and I don’t carry a gun, I grew up around guns my parents went to the range often and they taught me how to shoot ect ect. they even got into competition shooting- I hate guns! My dad has a few he gave me but I turned them down. I’m not a guard who wants/thinks I’m a cop I mainly took this job cause I like feeling needed I also like working alone and it’s a job no one wants Gaurd companies are always hiring. I’m an easy going guy I usually can just talk to these “ people “ without incident since I’ve learned “verbal judo” from my parents. Witch sometimes backfires cause I end up sounding like law enforcement cause that’s who I learned it from and some of these “people “ recognize the pattern and go into anti-authority mode. I’ve even walked up to a guy sharpening a 12inch hunting knife cause I could tell he was no threat, I ended up talking to him for 10 min then he just left the property. Some of these “ homeless, addicts and criminals” even wave to me while I’m on my shift, but most are unstable and when there high or not high enough or whatever they give me problems, so that’s why I say these “people “ are nice until they decide not to be. But this is there town I just work here.

      • The guy returned! So I was able to follow him and get a few pictures I then followed him to the SHELTER. All the while as his chain kept falling off his bike he was still threatening my life saying jail doesn’t matter to him he will get out find me and my family and kill us all. I’d like to send his picture but I don’t know if I will get in trouble or you who has this site in trouble- while us regular folk tip toe around these types just do as they please. I called PD. See what comes of this- I wonder what kind of record this guy has? Just the fact he came back he could of took 3-4 different routes back to the shelter but he rode by just looking for me, I bet to damage my car but I park near a bunch of cameras for that exact reason. Update if/when anything happens.

      • The conclusion for now is I was able to have an officer look at the pictures I took at the guy. But! Here’s what bothers me. The officer asked me if it’s in my company’s policy to chase/pursue people, this had nothing to do with my security job. It’s the fact that if you honk at the wrong “poor homeless person” you can get harassed, threatened and attacked. Keep in mind this is not your average bum just mumbling to themselves or even just screaming( witch is another thing us SC residents have to just put up with daily anyway). No this guy was just being vulgar and specific loud and just a tap of my horn was enough to set this guy off. When he first came up to me he as he got or his bike and took a very aggressive type stance was “ what the F you honkin at me for B****” I said hey your the one cursing loudly at 3am I honked cause I don’t like all the cursing and derogatory things your saying so if you can swear loud in the street I can honk my horn right? But his mind was made up as he decided to turn his beach cruiser around. I didn’t even realized he was coming over to my car I just heard a noise 6 seconds after I heard his rant and tapped my horn it happened that quick.

        So to answer the officers question I said I pursued the guy cause he clearly said “ this isn’t over and I wanted to be sure he just didn’t get away. I didn’t even have time to take his picture it happened so fast. He did get away and if he didn’t come back later on I would have never got his picture, but he did come back like he said he would. Oh and to back track and make an important point he was mentioning a hammer and he did have a backpack on so that had me thinking he could be serious. There were times when I was on the street in my car and he was on the sidewalk cause his chain kept falling of his cruiser he would go into more detail about his threats and just cursing me out. Little did I know PD was so tied up that if this guy did attack me I’d be completely on my own with a guy who threatened me with a hammer.

        So in conclusion they sent two officers to the shelter with the picture I took. Since he tried reaching for me and saying in detail he was going to pull me out of the car ect ect that could be a charge and if he did have a hammer it could be a bigger charge. They said they’d call me to identify the guy if they needed to. My guess is found him and gave him a firm talking to or they didn’t find him. I mean we all know most of these people have such a long history of the same types of charges/ behaviors. So why bother? Well because if it could happen to me it could happen and probably does happen all the time here in Santa Mierda. And at least it will be another naughty mark on his record. Give me a private email if you want this guys picture. Another shift over- Wife,Daughter,cat,dog-CHECK!-)

      • Same old stuff nothing that really stands out to mention. But I do have a public service announcement-DO NOT PARK AT 740 front street “ the Galleria “ I’m finding out this small parking lot between“ Galleria “and a 3 story parking garage has a problem with cars getting there windows smashed and items getting stolen there are no cameras and only one Gaurd is there. There’s also E.V charging stations there as well but I wouldn’t leave my electric car there unattended. There are signs stating only 2 hour parking for “ Galleria “ customers/clients it is also a 24hour tow away zone that the Gaurd there says is never enforced. but he says this happens weekly like clock work sometimes he will find 2-3 cars that are park next to each other with there windows smashed and items stolen. Unless you have a description PD just tells the victims to file a complaint ONLINE.

        He showed me that if you look closely you can see glass all over this little lot from this happening so often. There are no cameras but tons of cameras in the “Galleria “area. So ya last night a young couple came back to there lil ranger pick up I was actually chatting with the Gaurd as the couple walked up
        If caught in the act I wonder if breaking a car window and stealing what’s inside would get these “people “ arrested but I wouldn’t hold my breath. Assault and murder seem to be the only thing these “people “ can ever get arrested for.

        I’m working on ideas and tips for a Santa Cruz neighborhood watch. any ideas tips or stories I’d love to hear. I’d love to see a SC that isn’t overrun by addicts and criminals with the homeless/ mentally ill being forgotten about and overlooked.

  4. Chief Mills is interviewed in the Good Times this week. He talks about how he loves living in downtown, what a great place it is, people should come. i guess nothing beats being assaulted with a deadly weapon, or the thrill of calling your insurance company to report bullet holes in your car. Is he in denial? Too tired of policing to give a damn?

    • Ya but if he admits that SC has a problem then it has to be addressed then people actually have to think, problem solve then act. When I used to get really stoned I liked Santa Cruz but I was 16 and didn’t know what I know now. SC is a pretty crappy very scary and very small place but it’s well known I don’t understand why it’s had these problems for so long. My new favorite thing about SC is all these addicts riding bikes at night covering there faces with bandannas, doesn’t that mean your about to or just got done doing a crime?

    • maybe he is manifesting? just say it and it will happen….?! didnt oprah get in trouble for believing that stuff.. its not working !

      i guess u have to pick ur poison in this world. sometimes my work has me in more yuppie towns and there u dont have to deal with a creeper on a stolen bike you have to deal with a creeper in a jaguar… what happened to the 90s when all u needed was a flannel and an acoustic guitar? rip bay area lol.

    • @Mabel: I think chief mills has actually done a lot of good considering the shit storm he came into, and willingly mind you… And the joke of the city council he has to work with in this town. Ppl have to remember that being chief police also has a political aspect to it, what good would it do to shit all over your community publically? I think Ben’s looking at his job from just a police angle and not realizing mills has to answer to bosses too. Considering how mills has been open and willing to admit the fact we DO have problems says alot in comparison to the Police chiefs we’ve delt with th in past. Plus hes willing to talk and listen to ANYONE in this city (not just upper echelons with money and power) shows he really does care. I think we need to focus on the real issue which are the criminals who hurt us and the judges who set them free.

      • I was to young to understand any politics my parents may have spoke of I just remember there stories about Dispatch,jail or police work.and if they did I was to young to understand,then of course you get older and your not in the house so much but my parents were very much in law enforcement and they enjoyed it for the most part. I do remember my parents supporting Tracey for Sheriff. But this was the Santa Cruz Sheriffs Office and Watsonville PD in the 70’s and 80’s. And 90’s. So I never knew anything about Santa Cruz PD all my dad really said is they stay in the downtown area mainly the S.O can assist them but PD doesn’t go far out all over the county like the S.O. My dad retired in a high rank my mom passed away 11 years ago that’s when he retired. I was raised in Watsonville there’s been a gang problem there for a long time, so no town is perfect I know. I left Watsonville when I was 20 I lived in Aptos for a few years and now I’ve been in Scotts Valley for almost 20 years.

        So I never lived IN SC but of course I’d go there a lot when I was young I’d ride my BMX bike in SC when I got older is do other things older people do there. I’ve just always known the bums were in SC that’s just were they’ve always been. The thing I don’t get is how did SC become this sanctuary for homeless,addicts and criminals. I know there’s a men’s shelter in Watsonville and I’m sure there are women’s as well but Watsonville doesn’t have the problem SC has. SV, Los Gatos, Capitola for example I believe don’t have shelters but there close by and don’t have the problem SC has. So why can’t SC be like them. Why does SC cater to these “people “ it’s not a new problem it’s only getting worse but nothing has changed. Now we have this NEEDLE PROBLEM!! Really?? The elephant in the room is standing on the lump of dirt and needles under the carpet Santa Cruz has swept its dirt under. How can anyone be proud to live in SC.

        So like I said I don’t know the political side of this I shouldn’t really need to cause these type of problems I understand can and do happen but for this long and it’s getting all the time. Well I’m done venting. Im trying to understand now with the help of Ben and the awesome people the chime in here how if ever will SC get it’s self out of this meth I mean mess :). Also I don’t want to be one dimensional so I try to tell about myself a little bit when I can I don’t want to be just the security Gaurd that’s sees everything in black and white. I want to understand.

  5. Dave’s observations are astounding. Riding bikes with bandanas over their faces??? Whoever is employing Dave is doing a service for the entire downtown area as he is able to observe and report as well as give some reassurance to the law-abiding citizens cautiously making their way to their homes and cars.

    • Thanks it means a lot to me to here that. I’ll keep reporting what I see I can only report things relevant to my supervisors but here I feel I can tell all of what I see and it will reach the right people I hope. I think SC residents and students have gotten numb and or fed up with no help or to little to late types of resolve. But born and raised in SC county so I’m s true local my mother and father were in law enforcement with 2 different county’s and 3 different law enforcement positions between the two of them Dispatch, correctional officer and a officer in the sheriffs department so I’m very familiar with what those jobs are and the horror stories that go with them. Security pays the bills and now is showing me the town I grew up in in a different light.

  6. SF movie critic Mick LaSalle wrote this in regards to movies of bygone eras. I thought it rang true for many things:
    “Face it: We’re living in an era in which people of goodwill are scared to express themselves, lest they offend someone, anyone, and be labeled a monster. (People of bad will, by the way, are allowed to say anything.) These days, everyone keeps being invited into the so-called conversation, but it’s a conversation in which you must watch what you say, because everything you say can and will be held against you in the kangaroo court of social media. This kind of punitive political correctness — good old American Puritanism in a brand-new guise — fosters false expression in absolutely everything, including movies, and if movies aren’t being affected yet, they will be, and soon.”

    • Thanks Brandon. The community has no idea how much SCPD (the rank and file) suffer from this. It’s definitely contributed to the high rate of attrition within SCPD. It’s IA on progressive steroids and this isn’t what most cops sign up for. So they leave for greener (and less progressive) pastures. If they wanted to be social workers, they would have made that a career choice.

  7. I once heard a cop say “we are just social workers with guns” and I agree, except for the “just”. They deserve our gratitude and respect, even the ones who act like dicks sometimes. It must be such a thankless job. And what Dave is doing is pretty much the same except for less money and with no gun. And thx to you librarians out there too.

    • What always gets me is what we as SC residents are used to. We are just used to “bums” just roaming around it’s like going into the forest and seeing deer, squirrels and birds it’s become what SC is known for-don’t feed the animals!!/hand out money. I’m saying this cause being a Gaurd I can only contact these “ homeless “ if there trespassing or sleeping on property I Gaurd and it’s the same type of thing for the PD there under some strange guidelines on how to “ handle” the “ homeless “. The main thing I can depend on is most of these “homeless” are addicts so for the most part that keeps them from doing anything that will Guarantee jail time and they know what they can get away with. So vandalism, trespassing,drug use, drug possession and PD isn’t checking for stolen bikes, ect ect-oh and tents are considered private residents so Law enforcement needs a Warrant to enter someone’s tent. I’ve also discovered that the Bike Lockers are where Drugs and stolen goods are kept I’ve noticed certain nights a bike locker or two will very popular with 2-4 individuals they mascaraed like there messing with bike parts and camping gear but I’ve manages to walk up and see what’s really going on. It’s going on just 4 months that I’ve had these posts and if I’m figuring out how the “ homeless drug cartel “ works, then it shouldn’t be to hard to shut it down till it just moves away since actually getting rid of drugs is a different thing in itself. So far a quite night but I never know if anything I’ll give a recap of what I’ve seen here before I discovered Santa Mierda and haven’t mentioned yet like addicts throwing needles at the guards that used to have my posts.

  8. …..and to continue, Dave, there is quite a bit of disincentive to take some of these folks to jail…..I know there used to be a “booking fee” that was charged to whatever agency brings in a “customer”. Then there is their “possessions” that have to be searched, inventoried and stored. That must be a huge hassle. And then they act out in jail because they are off their meds or in withdrawl…and then many of them are chronically ill and need scads of inhalers and treatments, etc. Then, when they get their property back, the diamond ring they had is missing.
    I can go on and on about the problems but I have no solutions to offer either. Income inequality is partly to blame IMO. Yesterday at the paint store, I saw a lady in a Mazzaritti (sp)SUV. A high end race car adapted to suburban errands. Stepping over the bums and bag-ladies.

    • Ya but this type of problem jail/criminal system is everywhere to one scale or another and I’m sure there are to many small towns/county’s with the same problem as SC “ homeless,criminal and addicts” problem. But there are also towns and counties that just have it together so there H.C and A problems are not like ours. I don’t pretend to have answers but I do know a problem when I see one or twenty. And oh ya there’s money in SC the places I Gaurd are worth who knows and they pay one Gaurd min wage to Gaurd it all. The people are nice here I think that’s what makes this place great and many are also spiritual. I just think it should be a safer place for those who truly love SC.

      • I feel ya Dave! I too work/live downtown and am always witnessing the same exact drugged out, voilent, criminal behavior… with no consequence. Just being here on the daily I’ve gotten to know all of the same habitual offenders by look and some of them name. All they do is make circles between the shelter or (illegal camp they happen to be squatting at) and downtown doing whatever takes the least amount of effort to beg steal -or when that’s unsuccessful- assault/victimize whoever they have to just to get their next fix. And yet I’m called prejudice because I dont have a bleeding heart to allow them to do what ever they want to my place of business or me. When did the court of public ignorance or precieved “political incorrectness” override common sense, logic and peoples safety?
        Bottom line, I blame the court judges. Yes our city council is laughable and certainly has a share of blame, but when it comes to finally serving justice, these “leaders” of our courts create nothing but a revolving door… giving these habitual and violent offenders chance after chance to do it all over again. How many times does it take for them to realize this?
        I guess its F me once, shame on you, F me 1000x, still not the courts problem?

        • Like I try to tell these “ people” it’s not me or even my security company that’s telling you, you can sleep, trespass,pee,poo,do drugs and especially Vandalize It’s the owner(s) of these buildings that hire the company that hired me. Us regular folk vs the scum of SC.

      • Anne so much of what you say is true. Mills is beholden to local politics. At the same time he had a choice, and he hitched his wagon to the Chase/Krohn politicians, the look at all the poor homeless school , the Don Lane school of let them steak bikes with immunity
        and not the gee we have one hell of a mess lets clean it up. Downtown at night is a war zone. Pretending that crime is down is gaslighting the public. Saying cone downtown in the evening its all fun and games is grossly irresponsible . What if some poor tourist reads that and ends up mugged. We all decide where the line of honesty and decency gets drawn. Mills simply makes the wrong choices.

        • I doubt tourists come solely on what mills says about how nice downtown is. Sc has been hiding the truth about the crime in our town for years from tourists. The sentinel has refused to honestly report all our problems for years under the “keep tourism comming” act. Blaming all the crime problems on one chief is kind of silly and redundant. Before the crimes were blamed on meth, it was the flats and gangbangers. And if a tourist gets hurt as a result, is it not the fault of the offender first? Or the judge who releases him? And if ppl are so fed up, why dont more go to city council meetings? Why dont more create neighborhood watches, or report sketchy activity when seen immediately instead of depending on security guards and police to donit all?
          When the ross camp was active, only 2 ppl in the entire gateway plaza supported Michael Spadafora… where were the rest of the plaza bosses, or the other river st business for that matter when needed for support? Because they were worried about retribution? Was michael and his business in any less danger? No.
          Complaining only goes so far, and cops can only do so much without the help of the community. Things will only get worse unless everyone acts togther.

          • If you’ve read what I’ve been posting getting neighbor hood watches assembled and people reporting things when they happen won’t do anything. I say that cause I’m a security Gaurd I’m supposed to call police if I can’t resolve an issue myself and I’ve had incidents happen to where I’m getting my life threatened, catching them doing drugs or vandalizing property and these “people “ don’t even get tickets. I could imagine the disappointment if a strong Neighbor watch is assembled just to find out PD will probably tell neighbor hood watch there the ones harassing people and reporting them, you’d be doing the PD’s job that even they have a hard time doing. But I think a unity of honest citizens that will make it a high priority to show these addicts and criminals-cause there are true homeless really trying to get back on there feet and some do that are being put in the same category as the addicts and criminals. Or as my wife says these addicts and criminals are being put in the same category as homeless people. I truly would like to see a group of 15-20 SC citizens out after dark with smartphones recording all what goes on in SC. Post it all on social media to expose the real Santa Cruz. I’d even join!!

            People have been going to these city Council meeting forEVER. NOTHING CHANGES. we get different people in the council and different higher ups- we still have the same and more problems. How is it that Scotts Valley ,Aptos,Watsonville,los gatos,Capitola don’t have these problem. Monterey PD actually brings people to SC!! They don’t want to deal with. My wife says follow the money. Is SC getting money for “ taking care of the homeless,criminals and addicts” and pocketing most of what they get and just spending minimal funds on a few crappy shelters, handing out camping gear and blankets and then letting any half ass group pass out needles and whatever else.

            A few things I could think of and I’ve said it here before is to just make it 100% illegal to just live on the streets here in SC. Unless you can prove your in a shelter or you live out of your vehicle but you still keep a real FULL TIME job all your doing here is leaching of SC and doing nothing to improve your predicament. Or make a curfew that goes from 11pm- sunrise that states if you out especially in dark clothing and wearing a mask you can and will be stopped question and searched. Cause I mean what good could you possibly be up to at 3am just wandering around in SC and wow are there a lot of shady “people “ out in SC just up to no good. Witch reminds me the conversations I’ve heard these “ people “ have with one another is scary- stuff like who’s waiting on checks cause most of these “ street people” get money by scamming the government and or SC itself to get checks so they talk about who’s gettn a check next/soon to buddy up with them. Or they talk about easy neighborhoods with a valuable object in some houses back yard or a certain house has a garage that’s easy to get into. A more scary conversation I over heard was these 3 guys talking about girls they could’ve got (rapped) No joke! It was like they were fishermen talking about the one that got away- what I remember is more or less one guy saying ya I’m just waiting for my next chance one of these lil B**** to walk by my tent when there alone. We regular folk have no idea the time these people have to plan stuff like this. Mind you I was a guard in SV for 3 years I’ve bern Gaurding in SC 4 months and it’s a different world in SC. WHY!!!?

  9. someone could do an expose on this shit. “cruzin california, the homeless crisis?”

    it could be one of those art coffee table books, a photo with a blurred out face, a rap sheet, stats etc. census data on the “homeless” welfare statistics. welfare abuse cases. you could also include the victim story they try to throw at social workers. “scammin santa cruz” interviews with people who have been assaulted or victimized. stories about a day in the life of cops. even if the whole book were full of anonymous examples it would still piss enough people off to get some buzz going.

    people took photos of the migrant workers waiting in line for food during the great depression- we arent seeing women and children cuddling together on the streets- these are violent grown male drug runners. im not going to take the time to put something together like that, but it would be funny if you marketed it with a twist- people would say oh yes the housing crisis, the homeless crisis, yes lets look at this book…. we love california and social justice. and then open it up to find the opposite. an expose of a bunch of scammers. its so easy to self publish these days. just print up a ton and leave them at the doorstep of all the modern art museums in the country lol.

    too many hornets, not enough honey bees. the money being drained by all this welfare fraud should be redirected to the public schools so kids grow up smart enough to know that riding around on a bike all night harassing people and trashing the best beach in norcal is not an accomplishment! this is one of the most affluent areas in the entire world and its being run into the ground by a couple thousand creepers

  10. Unbelievable Dave. Thank you very much. I think a lot of readers of this blog are “shell shocked “with the detail that you’ve gone into about what it’s really like down town. Chief Mills needs to be fired. These adult male drug Runners need to be locked up and kept in Roundtree until they’re sober and then provided with a lot of outpatient services and daily testing and sent back to the Slammer if the re-offend! Yes it may be complicated but it’s the only way to get them off the street

    • Ya but without the city/government(long shot)backing up what us regular working class and struggling students want and need to happen here in SC the toilet will just swirl and overflow but not flush. I have to be extremely careful cause I keep an eye on a few restaurants that are not my assigned posts cause there open late its mainly younger guys and girls and at a certain time around 12-3am they take out there garbage and get hassled by these “ homeless “ for food and I found out that by Law “FDA” restaurant regulations restaurants can not hand out food deemed as trash. But these are youngsters and they feel bad and some of these “homeless “ will basically bully them.

      They will still check the dumpsters anyhow I see this 5-15 times a night. And these restaurants also have the added problem of these “ homeless “ just walking in like they own the place and start picking at tables for leftovers asking people for food and money/anything. I’ll step in and do my best to just get these “people” to either buy something or leave I start by asking them if they are customers but I know there not cause I watched them walk in they always lie sometimes an employee will be with me to verify there not paying customers. For example bout an hour ago I noticed a “bum “ type person standing at a table with a pack back on and a thermos in one hand and eating from a plate next to 2 other plates like 3 people were eating there previously he was entranced with watching UFC on one of the TVs. I asked him if he was a customer he said yes he was but I had already checked with the employees. I then told him he had 5 min tops to leave or pay for something and sit down at a table like everyone else. I left and watched a mother,father and 10 year old boy left the restaurant bout a minute after I did I then heard the little boy say “now he’s eating from our table so I went back in and told him to leave and I know he’s not a customer he then said “ bro do you know what it feels like to be starving?” Then he said “ your lucky I’m in a good mood” like I haven’t heard that before. He then told me he was watching the ufc match he was outside so I just told him you can easily sit down and watch the tv from the outside since I know I’m out of my “bounds” I could actually get in trouble especially since I could be considered to be “harassing a poor homeless person “. But I’ve seen these same employees try to get the PD to help and the few times I’ve seen this happen either PD showed up to late and the person(s( left already or they get the person(s) to just go outside the restaurant, basically what I just did. Talk about bad for business!!

      I mean CMON!!! It’s to wrong that if you look “ homeless “ SC gives you this “ diplomatic immunity”. You know if the average person just walks into a restaurant and starts doing what these “ homeless “ do they would be immediately confronted but since most of us know how unpredictable these “people” can be and we also know they are protected most of use either don’t/can’t get involved or know they may get into trouble for “ harassing,being cruel”. But it’s gone on so long in SC I’m sure the homeless, addicts and criminals (aka-the H.A&C community ) know it’s pretty much there town.

  11. So a few days ago I was able to talk to one of the guards that guarded my posts 3-1/2 years ago but they used 3 guards per shift cause they needed to. On a regular shift they would taser at least one “person “ and pepper spray a “person “ or two-PER 10 hr SHIFT. Some shifts 4-5+ Up to 10+ spraying and taserings. He mentioned a lady with a lot of rings on her hands her thing was trying to burn the faces of the guards with a blow torch the Gaurd who trained me said she would attack him this way often. They pepper sprayed this “lady” so often the spray was getting less and and less effective. THEN! these junkies started throwing dirty needs at the guards like darts [Now this should be a total arrest able charge] but nope!! So the riff raft was cut down after a while and the building owner(s) we’re confident to start putting up better more and brighter lights. Oh!!! If anyone has noticed the Comedy house on river now has super bright lights that face the street thats because of me,the tiny little solar sensor lights they had there were getting smashed so I mentioned to my supervisors if this area was lit up well it would keep “people “ away and it totally did.

    Even Though I have a picture of a 20 year old white guy shooting up right in that area it’s not like it used to be with tents and junk. I love those lights. One senior Gaurd told me when he had my post he had to fight of a large group of junkies and ended up sending one to the hospital. The Gaurd was not charged with anything luckily. And another peeve of mine is since I walk a beat basically the places I Gaurd are walk thru toilets I’m guessing it done in protest cause there is dirt,bushes around and in these property’s but these “people” will pee right on the walkways, doors,elevators and walls I’m sure they would poop as well but junkies don’t poo often cause of the drugs and they don’t each much solid real food but I think they don’t want to get caught not that they will get into trouble CAUSE THEY WONT. But cause getting caught pooping leaves you vulnerable,takes time and effort. The more support I get the more I’ll feel safe saying. But support SANTA MIERDA MOST OF ALL!!! Mainly support Ben without his efforts I’d have no place to speak out. I love the support I’m already getting. THANKS!!

  12. Bravo to Security Guard Dave. I also agree with “Anne” that some of our judges are to blame. They release the mentally ill over the objections of the mental health professionals. The judges think they know more about mental health than the experts. It is very hard to overcome the obstacles that well-meaning “advocates” place.
    As an aside: what was a 10 year-old kid doing downtown, eating in a restaurant with his dad, at closing time? Seems kinda late. And yet, it should be safe for him and not have some ?????eating his leftovers.
    Keep reporting Dave…but don’t lose your job.

    • Thanks Leigh, ya I do walk a thin line when I do some of the things I do and my wife always reminds me the path to hell is paved with good intentions. But it’s hard to just literally standby and just watch these types of things happen. And after last night I think maybe I’ll just record these things on my phone at a distance best I can. Well it’s dull in SV but it sure beats what happens 24/7 in SC. Wife,daughter,cat,dog CHECK!:)

  13. And let’s not forget the City Manager has a part to play in how things are managed. He probably has more influence than council members but his job seems pretty safe.

  14. I’ve been mulling crime conditions in my mind for a while. It seems as though we have a token police force only. Underserved per capita by a lot. Ties the hands of the police to respond to ordinary crime. Combine that with the scores of mental illness responses daily and then the just plain nutty nuisance calls and we Santa Cruzans are truly left very much unprotected by law enforcement for the amount of taxes and fees we pay. Several years back one of the top mental illness administrators said that things were this way, per mental health response, because Santa Cruzans have become used to it and don’t complain. Well, I’m beginning the realize there is no one, zero, zilch, nada to complain to. Where do we complain to get some relief? Are we truly expected to rely on citizen patrols? Working stiffs like Dave (thanks Dave for your protection and opening up this dialogue…talk about job security)? This is not the way it is supposed to be. Will the council respond and get us more police by increasing their budget and really taking a hard look at crime? Look how long it took to fix our crime map. And if you look at it you soon get the idea that there is no enforcement of bike theft in this town. Drugs and bike theft go hand in hand and yet we aren’t doing much to break the chain. Oh, but our police are doing a great job by loading up discarded furniture from near Costco. What kind of police force is this? What kind of chief allows for this instead of sticking to police work? Where and to whom do we complain?

    • Actually last night I ran into two rangers and two other Guards from a different company dealings with a very drunk couple. I’ll see a ranger out patrolling as well as a few other guards patrolling before I’ll see the PD pass my areas. To be honest the 5 times in 4 months I’ve had to call PD cause of a possible physical altercation all these guys ever got was a talking to no tickets no nothing. I tried once to call PD cause I found a guy smoking stuff off of foil all he did was walk out of site and keep smoking until he was RIGHT next to a restaurants front door putting his body towards the building to block the wind to keep smoking While I have dispatch on the phone he said a few times that he didn’t care I was calling the cops that he would only get a ticket he was so annoyed cause he wasn’t allowed to smoke his drugs in peace PD did not show up that time.

      If anyone has ever walked up on someone right in the middle of shooting up thats something memorable for sure and that guy pretty much said why did I care it’s his body his life. I didn’t say anything all I said when I realized what I was seeing was “well, that’s a nice lil hobby you got there” but really what can you say I highly doubt he was just then trying it for the first time. He was with another young guy his friend I guess they both had the dear in the headlights look they weren’t even really hiding they were 8 feet from the street kneeling down on a curb. I’ve walked into second hand smoke from a different guy smoking stuff of of foil I was walking down a flight of stairs in a parking garage and it wasn’t windy I smelled something funny it got stronger as I went downwards once I saw the guy I realized crap I’ve been breathing in meth or tar heroine or who knows maybe speed or some boulder creek concoction. And like most SC residents I’ll occasionally come across a SC Easter Egg a dirty needle.

      I’m sharing this cause like you said who can we complain to? Well I can complain here and I’ll get some real honest and educated responses and answers. Why do I feel like I’m wrong for complaining about all this!? why is it that there’s allowed to be an obvious drug culture,tribe in SC. Why is it that there’s such an obvious wrong lurking on the streets. A while back I kept noticing this big bald white guy on a beach cruiser he would ride thru one of the parking lots slowly and would lightly zig zag around and he’d be saying odd violent things. The reason I remember this guy is cause he was mostly saying stuff about satan and the one time he talked to me he said he’s a promoter of hate and violence that’s theres not enough hate and violence. I remember one thing he said clearly he says “ why not kill people It don’t really matter” my shifts are random but never boring to routine and bothersome and something’s likethat guy stand out though.

      But ya what a job but oddly enough my duties are to simply to“ eject” anyone who is trespassing,sleeping or vandalizing on the property’s I’m assigned and I take pictures of everyone I ejected they always cover there faces unless I catch them before they do then I send the pictures to my supervisors I’m not sure what they do with the pictures I send. So I’m basically supposed to ignore everything else. And that’s what I’ve been doing and this is what I’ve been seeing. In just 4 months. And if I had a dime for every person I see drunk get into a vehicle and drive off I’ve seen one dui stop I just hope they don’t get hurt or hurt anyone else. Well when I have more to say or remember more stuff worth mentioning till then…. watch out for the SC Easter eggs “ needles”:(

        • There both dangerous that’s for sure. But if you think drug addicts only hurt themselves you Need to realize what these person or can do and have done either cause there high or not high enough.

  15. When will it get embarrassing enough for the Clowncil to do anything about it? I would also like to mention that Scruz hit the nail on the head when he said we have a “token police force only”. Dave’s stories of dumpster diving and intimidation of late-night patrons in restaurants is just appalling.

    • Well it was a quiet night for me only saw one guy shooting up and nodding off and only a few “people “ trespassing/sleeping on the property’s. And there’s Always seeing these “people “ hanging around the restaurants hovering around the trash being thrown out and asking,begging or demanding any “leftovers “ from the restaurant staff. To then seeing the dumpsters get gone thru many times. And the usual from everything else I see at the odd hours of the night and early morning hours- “People “yelling and screaming/fighting, “people “ on bikes wearing bandannas/masks covering there faces. Strange and DISTURBING conversation I get to hear. And of course by “people “ I mean addicts and criminals not the actual homeless folk that are for the most part decent folk but have now have gotten so under our radar they blend into the scenery. These “People” are just everywhere basically I don’t Gaurd or isn’t Guarded by another company or Rangers.

      Whatever happened with all that (Freedom Sleepers) thing that was going on when I first started being a Guard? I used to hear that phrase all the time. I do also realize there’s a mental health issue with reminded me of a morning not to long ago where a man in his id say mid 70’s came up to my vehicle saying he was just released from jail and the police took/lost all his paperwork the jail gave him pants cause he soiled his. He had my call a phone number for him a few times he then told me it was to a lady in the government that helps him. So then I realized he was mentally unstable cause the conversations after that were of things that didn’t make any sense to the point that I started thinking his story about soiling himself going to jail and the police taking/losing All his paperwork was not real. But this man was truly mentally unstable and there was nothing I could do I gave him a cliff bar the rest of my bag of chips and some fruit juice from my lunch. He kept asking me to take him to a certain church cause it was far and he couldn’t walk there that’s when I looked at his feet they were extremely torn up and scabbed,cracked and dry. This guy has been on the streets for I don’t know how long.

      this stuff gets to me as well but it’s just the stuff I see in SC that’s been going on for way to long.

      I also remember seeing this guy with a deformed ankle just screaming and moaning and yelling one night. He was walking on his deformed ankle and he kept falling down sometimes pretty hard on the side walk and street I tried talking to him he would seem to understand me and would say things back in a general way but all I understood was he had a deformed ankle and it hurt. I called PD twice cause the fist time they passed by even though he was right were I said he would be the cop just passed by so quick. I then heard over my over my scanner the cop saying he knew the guy I was calling about he said “ it’s the guy with the Foot”. PD showed up I helped to locate the guys shoes PD gave him back his shoes and left. The guy slowly made is way away into the night moaning,screaming hobbling and falling. So ya…. how much longer will ALL this type of stuff just be the norm

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