The Repercussions Have Finally Arrived
After months of blood sweat and tears from local volunteers led a divisive (and often nasty) campaign to get a recall measure on the ballot and decided by voters, the results are in. And they aren’t good for Chris Krohn or Drew Glover. By a fairly solid margin, both city council members will have their names listed for recall on either a special election ballot (less likely, too expensive) or on the March 2020 ballot (more likely, cheaper). This is a pretty big deal obviously. As far as I know, no Santa Cruz city council member has ever even gotten their name on a ballot for recall, and now we have 2 at the same time. History makers! And gee, what a coincidence. It’s the same two guys who were accused of bad behavior towards female city hall staff workers.
So buckle up. This Giant Dipper of a story just crested the top of that first hill and we’re getting ready to sail down and yank us out of our seats.
The Turd is Gone Again!
Well that didn’t take long to flush! In less than a week (actually one day after I published last week’s Dump), the city of Santa Cruz moved in and closed down the bum camp behind Ross at Gateway Plaza. I’m not even gonna dignify it with a name beyond “bum camp behind Ross at Gateway Plaza” because it was over as soon as it got started. It probably didn’t help that a Divine doppleganger was barking out orders in a bullhorn and acted like the law didn’t apply to her and her shit didn’t stink. She was wrong twice. SCPD showed up with a large group and promptly told everyone to move or be arrested for trespassing. Only one person was arrested. A mentally ill homeless woman that Bad Mom and Keith McDouchebag recruited to come up here from Ventura. They probably even bought her a bus ticket, only to watch her get arrested for their dumb vanity grift. What kind of assholes would manipulate and use a mentally ill homeless person, set them up to get arrested, and then just leave them in jail for a WEEK? I’ll tell you who. Bad Mom. That’s who. Keith McDouchebag. That’s who. Bob Noise. That’s who. They left this dirt poor, mentally ill homeless woman stuck in jail while they slept in their nice warm beds all week. Three hots and a cot is better than their shameful grift.
Apparently Raping Children Isn’t Newsworthy Anymore
Last Friday, Santa Cruz Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 39 year old day laborer from Watsonville and charged him with lewd or lascivious act on a child under 14 and possession of meth. Funny how I missed this story in the mainstream media news. Probably because they chose not to cover it. Too lazy? Maybe. It’s right there in the SCSO arrest log. If I can find it, they can find it. Last check, he’s still in county jail on a $50K bond. Five thousand bucks gets you out of jail for raping a child in the county. Good thing he’s a day laborer.
Wanted Domestic Abuser Found With Loaded Gun and Meth in Santa Cruz
Around 7PM on Wednesday night, Santa Cruz Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 30 year old man from Boulder Creek after finding him in a parked car on Maple Street. Deputies had been searching for him because he was wanted on domestic violence charges, and he was found with a loaded gun and meth, according to the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office. Since he was also on probation (probation? you don’t say!), deputies searched his vehicle, where they found a loaded handgun with the serial number filed off and a small amount of meth. He was booked into the Santa Cruz County Jail on domestic violence, felon in possession of a gun, possession of meth, possession of narcotics while armed with a gun and altering a gun charges. His bail was set at $25,000. Back in 2013, the same guy was wanted for possession of a firearm as a felon and carrying a loaded firearm in a public place. Back in May of this year, the same guy was arrested for resisting arrest and stealing a car. Turnstiling. We seem to be really good at constantly stepping in our own shit.
Nice Dreams
Last Friday, law enforcement with the Santa Cruz County Cannabis Licensing Office served a warrant on a location on Commercial Way, where they found a large-scale Butane Honey Oil (BHO) lab and cannabis operation. Investigators found 5,400 pounds of cannabis, 5 pounds of cannabis concentrate, 114 pounds of honey oil, hundreds of counterfeit vape pens and an ice cream freezer truck filled with several thousand pounds more of frozen cannabis material. Nearby homes and businesses were evacuated as a precaution as HAZMAT crews dismantled the BHO lab.
Turnstiler of the Week
Wednesday morning around 3:30AM, Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s deputies responded to the 2400 block of Harper Street for a report of a prowler at a residence. When they arrived, deputies attempted to detain a man who resisted arrest and wrestled with deputies until they tased him. He was taken to county jail. He’s been arrested 12 times since 2016.
At Least He’s Still in Jail
Wednesday afternoon around 2PM, Santa Cruz Sheriff’s deputies responded to the 3500 block of Gross Road in Live Oak where they arrested a 24 year old man on charges of false imprisonment and battery. Last check he’s still sitting in county jail on a $5K bond. Good old Santa Cruz. Where you can basically kidnap and beat someone and get out of jail for $500.
Imagine Your Worst Driving Nightmare
Monday night, reports came in around 9:30PM that a truck was driving on Encinal Street near Sylvania when it hit a fire hydrant and then a power pole, landing on its side. Witnesses reported seeing the truck still running in a puddle of water with live wires on it, while the driver was stuck inside with his foot trapped and stuck on the accelerator. Santa Mierda! The area was completely shut down, PGE had to come deal with the live wires, folks in the area lost power for awhile, traffic was a mess, but somehow they got the guy out safely and nobody was hurt.
Thieves Break Into My House in Watsonville
Tuesday morning around 2AM, thieves smashed the front door of Casamigo restaurant on the 200 block of Lee Road in Watsonville and stole a cash register and computer monitor. Nobody was arrested and the Santa Cruz Sheriff’s office decided it wasn’t worth further investigation. Easy for them to say!
Skidding Along on Coral Street
Last Friday around 7:30PM, SCPD responded to the area of Coral and Limekiln Streets in Santa Cruz where they arrested a 53 year old transient female for theft and battery. Arrested 7 times since 2013. How does Santa Cruz enabling this woman make her life better? This poor woman should not be living on the street and getting arrested along our version of Skid Row for fighting and stealing. How much money do we pour into homeless programs and how does any of that actually help this woman?
Somebody Got Robbed Downtown Monday Night
Monday night around 5:30PM, SCPD responded to a robbery that occurred on the 1500 block of Pacific Avenue. Nobody was arrested. That’s all I’ve got because that’s all they give me!
Too Funny For Facebook!

Blocked by his own “people”. Well done McMuffin. Giving new meaning to the words “marginalized and irrelevant”.
The Santa Mierda Podcast Network
Be sure to check out the Santa Mierda Podcast Network! You can find the Santa Mierda Podcast Network on SoundCloud. And Apple Music. And Spotify. It’s free so check it out and give it a listen! Next new podcast should be coming this Sunday night!
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19 Responses
The recall was certified!! Sign the petition to stop the needle litter.
If I say anymore I might get in trouble ?
i read one of the reasons the local news isnt published here, is the people running the city are afraid tourism would stop. having lived in the bay area most of my life, and visiting regularly for the last 10+ years- i can guarantee you most people in the sf bay area already know there is a ton of crime in santa cruz.
many different people would say to me, “ugh why are u going to scz, there is so much crime” and i would say shut up its santa cruz. then the next weekend they would be jealous and go. true story! plenty of other people are just like me and go no matter what. its SANTA CRUZ!
i also read, of the 5 million people who visit santa cruz, most are from the bay area. they know there is terrible crime here, and they visit anyway. people visit for the beach. people pay to live in california, for the beach. people are in love with the boardwalk and arent going to let that go.
5M people arent going to stop visiting the beach if the local news decides to actually alert people about child molesters downtown! people living here have a right to know what is going on day to day. everyone living here already has enough spidey sense, or common sense, to know it has more crime than a lot of the rest of the sf bay area. the day to day details matter. people need to be informed of these problems.
and back on the meth topic… i read many soldiers were given meth in ww2 on both the allied and axis sides… how much meth, idk. could that in part explain some of the extreme horrors of that war? idk.
apparently soldiers today are still given meth in small quantities. so disgusting. that drug should be outlawed everywhere. maybe that even contributes to homelessness among war vets? not only do they come home with possible ptsd, but they have been given highly addictive violent drugs as well. it is too dangerous, too addictive, and drug addiction is the leading disability at least on the santa cruz homeless census.
I owned a business on Pacific and yes, we still got people from San Jose, Bay area. What dried up was the people with money especially the high end elderly crowd, then similar families. But yes, the not so big spenders still came to enjoy the spectacle of what santa cruz has to offer.
YA YOU NEVER KNOW WHO IS PARKED IN SC AT NIGHT-but we allow who ever to come here and do just whatever UNCHECKED?!? It’s different to live here then to just visit stuff just gets stolen or vandalized 24/7. The S.O is constantly making arrests P.D well I’m not sure what PD does they seem to do more making sure the “ Undesirables “ human rights are not being violated.
I’m glad the 2 Clowns are out but unless they’ve been in charge the last 40-50+ years MUCH MUCH more revamping in the SC Council.
A lot of these “ guys with masks” on bikes are not kids there grown men because we see them on bikes skateboards we tend to associate that with children and younger people. I’m stating the obvious but people get numb and start lumping things together but above all these “ street people” can be extremely dangerous and in towns like SC those types of people can THRIVE. I’ve heard the phrase food not bombs before but only by addicts mumbling something about it I guess it’s a organization here in SC.
What I find so lame is that all of these help for the homeless only run during business hours. But most of the scum we usually refer to here are 100% happy being creepy scum drug addicts. Cause SC totally caters to them!
To my understanding, the only reason ross camp 2 was closed is because its state property and the state said no. If it had been city property, we’d be dealing with it all over again. Especially due to the city law that you can openly sleep on city public property. Sad when the state has to step in and babysit when city officials dont know what’s good for them.
When enough businesses move out, and the city losses that revenue, they will be scrambling for more money from residents. I just dont see all this enabling of bums and crime working out much longer. All politicians must change in this city, the ones there now built this.
Any night of the week in Santa Cruz. I put two vids up for us here. I’d put more but there crazy and I have to show a side of myself that I need to portray in order not to seem weak or intimidated by these scum. I’m had tons more but I erased them a while ago. But any night I work I get more footage then I care to look over again. Another night with the SAME Mierda. THE SAME!??!
On YouTube
I have crazy footage where I work on river st too. Maybe we should make a channel together (since the local news is useless and bias). When I tell my friends who live in other states what goes on here, they dont believe me. Maybe seeing is more towards believing…
What’s the youtube link please?
Any night of the week in Santa Cruz. On YouTube. I had tons of video but I erased it. I’m going do less talking when I film from now on since I’m going to start uploading on YouTube now. I’m very fed up with how SC is and how it’s run and now just watching and hearing it get worse DAILY!
What the F is wrong with Santa Cruz!!!!!!!! WHERE CAN I PROTEST THIS CAMPING LEGALIZATION!? I’m for sure going to fill YouTube with what I see for sure from now on all the time on my shifts. I’m going to do all I can within the laws and my ability’s. To many good people in SC. This needs to stop.
the city council wants to rush through a huge free for all camping ordinance. is that what california needs? more fire hazards? meth labs in campers, camp fires in parks… enabling the drug cartel meth labs?
if pge and all the dead trees from rewilding dont get us the meth labs will? email them by monday 5pm and say no on the rushed camping ordinance. the homeless census shows massive disabling drug abuse among the local homeless population. the drug abuse is so bad, it is claimed as a disability causing homelessness. thats not weed- thats an extreme drug. the alt left is trying to expand that fire hazard!
this isnt eco friendly!
So the we kicked 2 out of council but we are getting ideas like free camping in SC for all?
On any given shift I have to tell anywhere from 5-35 “ people “ that they can’t be on certain property’s. These are all clearly marked with no trespassing/ loitering no overnight parking with time limits usually 1-4 hours. So you let any and all “people “ to be allowed to “camp” in Santa Cruz are we going to take the signs down it wouldn’t matter since the signs now don’t deter anyone anyhow . I can only IMAGINE! Overnight what SC will turn into. I guess all us security Gaurds will be the ones left to regulate the crap Tsunami that Will Hit SC. How many in the Clowncile actually live in SC?!
I’m beyond tired of feeling like IM the minority being that I’m not a homeless drug addict criminal living on the streets in SC. I’m beyond tired of finding out more and MORE how many more Facilities,Aids, “help” for the “Unfortunate “ are available when the average sc residents and students are the ones that NEED AND DESERVE any and all help THEY can get. And also the fact I’ve been marinated in the Mierda of Santa Cruz now almost 7 months enough time to now know the town is literally this ~ far from well everyone has there own interpretation of hell, use your imagination.
even with freedom of speech and knowing here is a good place to speak my mind I and I’m sure many sc residents and students can’t really say how we would truly like to “ eradicate” the REAL Problem People in our town since those types of people only live by there own rules and make just living day to day for REGULAR PEOPLE a living hell. And we have to think this way cause when police and “leaders” can’t seem to keep honest good people safe. The people have to fend for themselves BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. I believe good can and will triumph over evil. It’s seems SC is devolving.
and since I’ve looked into so many eyes of these true violent scum bags I have a very good prospective and can honestly say a zero tolerance policing about many laws need to be enforced. Or let SCSO and or SVPD TAKE OVER policing Santa Cruz or the MILITARY. My last encounter with PD finally convinced me there’s something BEYOND wrong with the justice system in SC. You literally even being a Gaurd can’t really defend yourself against ttese scum bags in SC I’d you do you are out in the same level as a violent drug addicted multiple offender. Cause that’s just how it goes in SC. I’m sure the only way most of the scum gets actually put in cuffs and in jail is by there being many many witnesses are blood shed or lots of property damage.
Wait a minute. Just saw in the news that Santa Cruz is going to give more power to police to do something about the flood of “ homeless “ in SC ,BUT the council is trying to RUSH a free for all to camp ordinance to decriminalize it. So to me that’s seems very very suspicious I hear first that the council is trying to put a rush to let any and all “camp” in SC then I hear a few days later that police are getting more power to do “more” about the crime the “ homeless “ bring with them INCLUDING ILLEGAL CAMPING/SLEEPING ANYWHERE.
Ya I know I just repeated myself but wow is this just beyond convenient for the “ homeless “ in SC?! NO WONDER THEY WALK AROUND SC LIKE THEY OWN THE PLACE. they have the Clowncile making sure there allowed to do whatever whenever they want and provide for them as well. How nice to be a scum bag in SC.
I JUST SAW IN FRONT OF MY EYES HOW THIS HAPPENS thanks to Ben and the Weekly Dump. So the council TRULY IS JUST FOR THE “Homeless “In SC. I mean GEEZ the cops don’t get there legs cut out from underneath them there not even allowed to grown legs. Talk about undermining Law Enforcement. I’m not even going to bother calling PD anymore I’m just going to record and post on YouTube my camera can be mightier then and weapon I can wield.
It’s mainly cause the rainy season here I believe.
sorry this post is so long, but it is a direct response to the local transient crime, local political response and your question about them.
i might be wrongx but i think they are exploiting the local drug addiction and crime spree crisis for political reasons. during the local rental housing debate, i watched some videos of local and state uc professors encouraging the farmers to take back the land. they were calling for an end to private property, and saying the only way to save the planet was by communitarianism and everyone living in government owned skyscrapers. one of the professors was speaking in spanish (it seemed like a second language to her) and they kept talking about the farmers rising up and taking the land. they were filming the community garden that people planted on a part of boardwalk owned property.
the communist manifesto was written in the mid 1800s. back then something like 70% of people were farmers. so telling the farmers to rise up and take the land , or saying “the land belongs to those who work it” was at least addressing a large audience. today, due to modern technology, only 1% of americans are farmers. many migrant workers have horrible working conditions, and many people support social services to protect those workers. at the same time, i read an article on farming in america that said the majority of american farmers are white. this was an article written this year and featured on we also hear frequently about how farmers have high suicide rates. when i have read those statistics, they seem to be referring to the american citizens who work in farming, not the migrant workers without citizenship. hard to know for sure, but even with advanced technology and only 1% of the population working in agriculture, even modern farming doesnt seem to be easy for anyone involved, white, hispanic, citizen or non citizen. would it be nice to improve that industry? yes. does i require a communist revolution? i hope not because the soviet union was a nightmare.
i think a lot of people in the uc system believe in the communist manifesto. those people dont seem to care that only 1% of americans currently work in farming. they keep talking about ending private property. they are using the “homeless” crisis, as an excuse to try to drastically change the way our private property, parks, and housing laws work. they said we need to all grow our own food with hydroponics in communist skyscrapers. supposedly this is the only way to save the planet. no thanks!
this “homeless” crisis is really a drug and crime crisis. but what do they do? try to wax poetic on magic mushrooms like they are shamans. they also try to claim this homeless crisis is due to the cost of housing in california, and they dont blame that cost on the govt with their massive permit fees, they blame it all on private property owners.
out of 40 million californians, only 130k are “homeless.” many of those homeless “winter over” here from other parts of the country due to the warm weather and lax laws. 130,000÷40,000,000 is a very small percentage of the population. this isnt evidence of a housing crisis- its drugs and crime- and the alt leftists want to use it as an emergency excuse to rush through massive communist legislation in the name of a crisis.
if this werent the case, they would have accepted the reality we often read about: it is more expensive to own a home than to rent one. many californians are burdened by the cost of housing, including the ones who purchase. we even saw massive foreclosures happen during the loan or housing crisis— just because someone makes the commitment to purchase a home does not mean their cost of housing is low. despite this fact, anyone who owns a home was villified. the homeless are being held up as some evidence of the need to end private property. you dont have a right to your front doorstep, a 35 year old “homeless”dude high on meth does. you arent allowed to say, get off my property. you arent allowed to call in the 1985 rv parked in front of your house for a year.
i think this “homeless” behavior is enabled by the extreme leftists for a few reasons. they want to use this to ultimately end private property. they are trying to claim that housing is a right, and that everyone deserves housing. that is just a cover to try to take away the property rights of people who own their own housing. they specifically stated their goal is an end to private property.
they want to break up this whole system because they believe its the cause of all the ills in the world, including destruction of the environment. they believe the communist manifesto like a bible, refusing to see how outdated it is. some of them have munchhausens (sp) by proxy meaning they want to keep people sick so they can feel like they are powerful by continually pretending to try to heal these people. they also have a lot of money, power, political clout and reputations in non profits who have a generally accepted narrative they dont want to stray from
some people genuinely are homeless. some people are staying in the volunteer game to genuinely try to help the truly disabled, and addicted. the homeless census does show a good percentage of homeless women and children do have shelter due to social services and that is awesome. then there are the people who reject the help because they are transient by choice. that seems to be who you encounter at work.
i think the real cause is the same 1984 big brother crap though.. i watched 1984 ingsoc – and that movie just makes it so easy to see. the middle class gets crushed by the hidden ruling elites, and by the oppressed poor who are fed a bunch of anti middle class and pro war propaganda. the middle class is the main target becauase they are the ones closest to exposing the lies of the elites, mostly because they work closer to the elites. something like that. the intellectuals “drink the koolaid” and believe the revolution is about some noble cause like equality or the environment. its creepy.
“i think this “homeless” behavior is enabled by the extreme leftists for a few reasons. they want to use this to ultimately end private property. they are trying to claim that housing is a right, and that everyone deserves housing. that is just a cover to try to take away the property rights of people who own their own housing. they specifically stated their goal is an end to private property.”
Look deeper, Kris. Peer beyond the Twin Towers (Left/Right, Dem/Rep) and you will see a unified push for Total Control. All Seeing Eye. Pyramid
Don’t worry, long laid plans from before you were born. The important move is to see the false divisions and false unity peddled by the Masters of Illusion. You can begin to see how Left and Right can be played against each other (Dialectics) to push for a New Normal (synthesis).
i am really overposting, but santa cruz is driving me crazy and i feel like there is no other way to confront this crap.
i know the global banking cartel crap is the one pulling most of the strings. at the same time, i am personally a centrist- so thats why i dont agree 100% with either side. i think there are still good things on both sides of the aisle, just like there are bad things on both sides. i dont think democracy is 100% dead, despite all the corruption.
the right wing expands the military so the country ends up invading the middle east.. and from what i read the middle east is one of the last few areas in the world without a central banking system. so we are the military arm of the global powers that be. and we all protest, and we somehow still get forced into these creeper endless wars.
i just know that early on in this country, there were people who wanted more fair competion and more equality. one of my relatives was one of the first abolitionists and started the american philisophical society with benjamin franklin. they were trying to find a balance of freedom of religion, and science etc. it isnt easy to just draft up a system as an alternative to monarchy.
the people who wanted central banking just wanted hidded feudalism in place. i dont believe everyone who founded this country was into this illuminati pyramid scheme stuff. i think that all seeing eye is supposed to represent your third eye and enlightenment. so people who interpret it some other way, and use that as a justification for elitism or oppression are unenlightened idiots and karma catches up eventually.
one of my public school history teachers first told me about the central banking controversy. the public schools also typically require people to read 1984 by george orwell. so the whole system isnt corrupt. we are taught to question and critisize our own govt.
i had another relative who was called the “lewis and clark” of native american tribes in the georgia region. he learned from a lot of the tribes, and took good records, the seminole chief named him “the flower hunter.” he tried to educate other settlers about their ways so people would stop referring to them as savages. so he wasnt an evil illuminati free mason white male oppressor or whatever.
people arent all knowing or all powerful. people first thought they had landed in india right? some of the spanish conquistadors down south fought with the few natives who still lived there, since their own larger civilations had already collapsed. but i know not all spaniards fought with all natives- often times people get along. people arent so polarized. we live in a world with a lot of grey areas.
and spanish missionairies in california made the native americans build the missions and convert to catholocism. but eventually many spanish settlers actually wanted to try a system that was an alternative to monarchy or only the pope or only catholicism. i know half of my stepdads family tree goes back to the first spanish in california.
i just dont know how this country became so bipolar. but on the specific issue of homelessness, and housing in california and this country, the alt left are the main ones pushing for extreme socialism or non profit housing and control. that isnt a right wing, or an alt right, or a centrist view, its alt left.
another odd thing – is i know with sacred geometry, things grow according to mathematical proportions. so lets say you notice a particular pattern in city growth that keeps happening, well humans are living inside the same mathematical equations that govern everything. people who attempt to build things that line up with that math arent all operating according to evil intentions.
if you see the astrological stories that are on all the pyramids all over the world- they all tell the same stories. quetzalcoatl in the central american pyramids is the same story as the transit of the planet venus. venus is called the winged serpent, because it makes a snake pattern in the sky during its transit. it then disappears for three days, only to reappear again. the constellation behind it is in the shape of a cross.
so venus is said to die on the cross and then reappear. in hindu astrology, they explain to you that the number of days the planet venus is visible during this part of the transit, before it dies and reappears, is almost exactly equal to the average number of days it takes for a fetus to gestate and be born into a baby.
that is why venus is called the reincarnation planet. that is why they say our soul sheds bodies and reincarnates the same way a snake sheds layers of skin. thats the holy cross all the different world religions are talking about. im sure any strict christians would be offended to hear that, but thats what i personally have learned from reading up on different religions and the pyramids of the world etc.
you see the same thing in egypt with the snake imagery and the ankh all over the place.
it isnt evil, its just evidence of a time when people shared all those stories. people shared their extremely detailed mathematical analysis of the patterns in time, space, the stars, the human body etc. they thought this info was important enough to leave massive nearly indestructable evidence of it all over the planet. i have found a lot of beauty in those stories.
anyway i just dont believe everyone in the world is doomed to follow some evil illuminati king or whatever. but i do see there is a lot of corruption and the globalization is very scarey. the stuxnet documentary exposes the usa spies hacking iran and russia… russia hacks the election.. all this is out in the open.. there is some real fighting going on… but i really feel the more polarized people get- the more the two extremes end up looking like mirror images of each other.
both extremes sound like fanatics to me. the science has become a religion and some religion is trying to control the science. dunno where the balance is.
Thanks. It’s sheds light on lots of stuff. Thing that has and will always bothers me is how can Scotts Valley, Los Gatos, Watsonville, Capitola And even Aptos being so close to SC be RUN so differently. Once you’re IN SC all you see is “ homeless” if not the actual people you’ll see or SMELL the obvious presence of the “ homeless”. Any other neighboring towns it’s just NOT that way. If your a shady character in any other neighboring town and your hang out more then an hour or so if a passing cop doesn’t spot them and check them out a citizen or two will eventually call the cops cause in these other towns the citizens there know that if they see anything or anyone that shouldn’t belong or seems out of place the police can usually do something about it, THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE HAPPENS IN SC- you call police on someone that obviously looks like a drug addict, criminal or homeless or all 3 and the police tend to spend the same or more time questioning the regular person that called 911 to educate them about the laws and how basically anyone who wants to be in SC can just be in SC.
Never mind the fact that PD spends a ton of there time DEALING WITH WHAT THE HOMELESS, DRUG ADDICTS, CRIMINALS. but there allowed to be here once they get here. Some are actually brought here by other police agencies.
My wife’s theory is that mainly the “homeless “ go to all of these city hall meetings and get heard and get things there way. But the WORKING CLASS IS TO BUSY WORKING THEY DONT HAVE THE TIME TO GO TO EVERY SINGLE MEETING.
yeah when you wrote about overhearing some of these groups of guys talking about assaulting women in the worst possible way.. i was like yeah i have witnessed that. broad daylight, walking by the boardwalk… and a group of middle aged men, obviously transient by choice , will start making those threats. doesnt matter if you are in a group of people, if witnesses are around. i dont bother to call the cops because what will happen? you are stuck in some gross dance with a guy or group of guys who has already been arrested locally 20 times. he said she said kind of crap.
do the alt leftists care about rape culture? no. isnt rape culture typically also a problem at universities? yes. they want to view the world through the lenses of their assumptions… they dont want to listen to common sense or the majority of voters. its really condescending and aggresive. deep down they are probably just mad that 5Million people from the bay area care more about having fun at the beach on their days off than listening to their lectures on commie space ships or whatever lol.