Shootout on West Cliff Drive Sends Victim to Trauma Center
Saturday morning around 2:30AM, SCPD responded to the 100 block of West Cliff Drive for a report of a victim of a gunshot wound. When they arrived on scene, they found a 26 year old male on the sidewalk suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. Officers administered CPR to the victim until Santa Cruz Fire and AMR arrived on scene. The victim was transported to a trauma center, where last I heard he was in stable condition. Detectives speculate an unknown male suspect confronted the victim as he was walking along the sidewalk near the Dream Inn. During the confrontation, both the suspect and victim exchanged gunfire, leading to the victim being shot.
and in a possibly related story!………
Packing on Pacific Avenue
Last Saturday just past midnight, Santa Cruz Sheriff’s deputies, members of the Narcotics Enforcement and Gang Enforcement Team, and SCPD arrested a 22 year old male on Pacific Avenue on various gun charges. In December, Detectives from the Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Enforcement Team served a search warrant at an apartment in Soquel where the suspect lived. During the search two illegally modified firearms were found, including a sawed off shotgun and a silencer, but the suspect was out of state at the time. During his arrest this week, he was found to have a loaded handgun, unloaded rifle and large amount of ammunition and magazines with him.
And of course he’s out of jail already!
Watsonville Man Stabbed to Death
Thursday morning around 2AM, Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a home on Green Valley Road in Watsonville for a report of a disturbance. When they arrived, they found a 26 year old man suffering from stab wounds who was taken to a trauma center and later died. His 28 year old brother was arrested at the scene and charged with murder.
It Was a Photo Finish
SCPD responded to the local Bay Photo on the 700 block of Soquel Avenue after someone drove through the building.
Apparently the driver thought they were backing up but accelerated into the building instead. No one was injured.
Woman Hit by Vehicle Near Ocean and Blaine Flown to Trauma Center
Friday morning around 11AM, a woman was hit by a vehicle near Ocean and Blaine streets in Santa Cruz. Her injuries were apparently serious enough to require a life flight to a trauma center over the hill.
Playing With Guns and Resisting Arrest in Watsonville
Last Thursday morning around 2AM, Watsonville Police arrested a 42 year old male near East Front and Union streets in Watsonville and charged him with negligent discharge of a firearm, carrying a loaded firearm in public, not being the owner of said gun, and resisting arrest. Last check he was still sitting in county jail.
Burnin’ With the Wailers
Wednesday morning around 12:30AM, SCPD responded to the area of Ocean and Felker streets for reports of a man holding a burning log and refusing to put it down. How many rivers did he have to cross before he could talk to the boss? All he got seems to be lost. He must have really paid the cost!
Who Let the Dogs Out
Monday night, SCPD Officers arrested a DUI driver who crashed through a chain link fence on Broadway and landed in the middle of a local dog park. The 30 year old woman from Soquel was arrested for DUI. And she even had a dog with her! SCPD looked after her dog while she was in custody until she could connect with a responsible friend to pick up the dog.
High Speed Chase Ends With Spikes and the Pit
Last Thursday night around 11:30PM, Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s deputies attempted to pull over a driver who was speeding on Green Valley Road near Amesti Road in Watsonville. After refusing to pull over, deputies began a pursuit which led to Highway 101 and San Juan Road in Aromas. California Highway Patrol officers then took over the pursuit and successfully used the pit maneuver and a spike strip to stop the driver. The chase ended on State Route 129 and Highway 101 in San Juan Bautista. The 21 year old driver was arrested and booked into the Santa Cruz County Jail for evading officers and violating the terms of his probation.
The Idiocy Astounds
Last Friday night around 6:30PM, SCPD arrested a 24 year old woman at Front and Laurel streets in downtown Santa Cruz for DUI. She was also arrested for driving on a suspended license. Yup, suspended for a different DUI. Isn’t it time for some jail time yet? Obviously not. The Santa Cruz County Jail let her out of jail. For free. They call it “PTA”. She’s probably lit up and cruising around Santa Cruz as you read this. The idiocy astounds here.
Cross Country Stolen Van Adventure Ends in Santa Cruz
During a traffic stop Monday evening, Santa Cruz police recovered a van stolen from the East Coast. According to police, patrol officers located and stopped an occupied stolen van. The van was stolen from Raleigh, North Carolina. The two female occupants of the car, who were not named Thelma and Louise, were from Delaware. They were both arrested and booked into the Santa Cruz County Jail.
Serial Creeper Arrested Yet Again
This week, SCPD arrested a 26 year old transient for attempting to molest three female juveniles. After officers received reports of a male bum harassing girls who were on their way to school, they canvassed the area but were unable to locate the suspect.
SCPD then conducted undercover surveillance in the same area when they saw the suspect across the street from the school, where he was identified and taken him into custody. He was on parole. Of course he was.
What’s up with that 4th charge? Lewd acts on a minor child under 14? $500 bail? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? I hope that’s a typo.
The same asshole was arrested about a year ago. And here he is back doing the same shit.
Burglary Interrupted in Capitola
Early Saturday morning, Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a report of a burglary in progress on the 700 block of Capitola Road. When they arrived, the victim told them an unknown male tried to take his mountain bike from his backyard but he was able to recover it before the suspect jumped a fence and ran away. Deputies set up a perimeter around the area but they were unable to locate the suspect.
This Is What It Sounds Like When Pigs Fly
So I caught a bit of this week’s city council meeting. The first thing I noticed was the musical chairs which was interesting. Krohn and Glover are still attached at the hip but now they’re on the other side. I thought Justin Cummings did pretty well in his first meeting as mayor. And what comes up on the agenda but a funding request by the Warming Center for $10k. And Brent wasn’t seemingly taking the lead on the request, but another older gentleman who was likely less offensive and divisive spoke on behalf of the Warming Center for the request. After a stuttering and bumbling Martin Bernal tried to explain why he was personally against it (because he was making it personal), and the predictably prickly Cynthia Mathews backed him up (for more personal reasons), Brent got up and made a passionate but unraveled plea from the audience, and was justifiably offended for being personally called out and shamed by Bernal and Mathews. I actually have to give Donna Meyers the credit on this one. It was turning into another predictably divisive pissing match before cooler heads prevailed. She focused on the lack of a plan, or how the money would be sent, or how it would be reported. Yeah, all obviously important stuff that never seems to be a consideration for Krohn and Glover, who in an obvious act of blatant pandering and bandwagon jumping just arbitrarily upped the request from $10k to $15k without anyone’s knowledge (including Brent’s).
Once Glover got involved, the whole thing was on the verge of derailing over the amount when Meyers stepped in and discussed setting expectations for how the money would be spent, as well as who would be a “buffer” between Brent and the city council. At that point, it was pretty obvious that both Cummings and Watkins (as well as Meyers obviously) had some support of the idea conditionally. Mathews had no support for the idea but eventually grudgingly went along with the idea. And eventually they hammered out an initial pass with certain conditions that Brent needs to meet in order to proceed further. But make no mistake, this is a huge win for Brent.
Cynthia Mathews and the city council are contingently funding a Brent Adams led project. Pigs are flying in Santa Cruz! Never say never. Anything is possible. And kudos to Brent. He works hard for the money so you better treat him right.
Donna Summer – She Works Hard For the Money
Stephen Kessler is Not a Fan of Drew Glover
So apparently Stephen Kessler isn’t a Drew Glover fan. Join the other 11,000 registered city voters who want to fire the guy! Kessler had an op/ed in the Senile recently, and he basically didn’t mince his words about how he felt about Glover. Here’s a juicy little excerpt to pique your interest:
“Glover came to the council in his rookie year with a chip on his shoulder, an attitude, an agenda of righteous grievances to avenge. It’s not so much his politics that are the problem as his aggressive personality, whose various manifestations with staff and colleagues on the council have rendered him far less effective as a policymaker than if he had better manners, some humility and diplomacy. But Glover is African-American, and he uses—inexcusably as far as I’m concerned—his skin color as armor against any criticism from privileged white liberals. Speaking for myself, I see through Glover’s skin color to the Trump-like bully beneath, and I’m not impressed. Not only is it morally wrong to use race in the shamelessly dishonest way he does, but he doesn’t seem to know the difference between rhetoric and governance. As lots of revolutionaries have learned, it’s one thing to overthrow the old regime but quite another, and far more complicated, to run a country. It’s a bad joke that someone who teaches at the Resource Center for Nonviolence is one of the most belligerent politicians this town has ever seen. His narcissistic demeanor, as if everything is about him and his urgent issues; his aggression; his arrogance; his evident incapacity to work cooperatively with others—not to mention his hooting and hollering base of yahoos regularly making jerks of themselves by disrupting council meetings with their antics—all these things make Glover a toxic presence on the council, and the thought of three more years of him trying vainly to throw his weight around is not a happy one.”
He was a little kinder towards Krohn. You can read the whole enchilada here.
MLK March for the Dream 2020 Santa Cruz
The NAACP Santa Cruz County Branch and the Santa Cruz Police Department are again bringing March For The Dream to downtown Santa Cruz on Monday, January 20th. The march begins around 10am on Cathcart between Cedar and Pacific. The route starts on Cathcart Street and Pacific Avenue moves along to Maple ending at the Louden Nelson Community Center. Around 11, they will have speakers and a resource fair. Event details are available online.
The Weekly Seen

With zero fanfare or fake drama from local grifters, the River Street homeless camp is dismantled as occupants move to the Armory.
Stop the Needle Madness in Santa Cruz!
If you haven’t done so yet, please sign and share this! If you signed the previous petition for this, please sign again as this involves a new application. Thanks!
Support the Recall Effort!
The recall effort was successful at getting to the ballot but the real work has begun to see this effort to the finish line. Please consider a donation to Santa Cruz United, the group that worked to organize the recall effort. I support their efforts as a group, and I pledge to provide my services pro bono to the recall effort. If we all step up, we will finish this effort successfully and bring function back to a completely dysfunctional city hall. Thanks!
The Santa Mierda Podcast Network
Be sure to check out the Santa Mierda Podcast Network! You can find the Santa Mierda Podcast Network on SoundCloud. And Apple Music. And Spotify. It’s free so check it out and give it a listen!
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20 Responses
Help Brent help tthose in need! He is the one leading actual result-oriented projects, and he has been doing on almost zero money or help! Not only is he maintaining his two projects, HE IS ADDING MORE SERVICES!!! Laundry and showers are a big deal for unhoused people, and Brent is figuring out ways to make it happen! Bravo, Sir!!!
As for the Kessler article… Wow, spot on concerning Glover and the chip on his shoulder. ?
And as usual, thanks to Ben for keeping us informed!
Oh and I almost forgot! A belated Weekly Shoutout to my friend Damon on his recent county commission appointment by Ryan Coonerty. Occasionally Ryan does actually do something smart!
About 2 weeks ago I caught a guy trying door handles to vehicles in a parking garage. Surprisingly PD caught up with the guy and I Identified him and he got to go to jail, I verified it by checking MugShots SantaCruz and there he was. I saw the same thing an hour ago so I’m still waiting for PD to get back to me. I forget I’m doing a good thing cause all I hear during my shifts is trash talk and death threats or I should commit suicide cause I’m a security Gaurd.
It’s funny when I tell these guys that are trying car door handles that I’m calling Pd they ask WHY!? I know it cause there used to getting away with everything I mean C’mon we allow them to do drugs HARD DRUGS in public let them sleep anywhere there isn’t a security Gaurd , give them clothes and camping gear and TONS of food-so them just going into peoples vehicles I guess shocks them cause I guess they think there allowed to do that as well.
Just last night I got into it with two groups of vehicles one vehicle was going to park cause it got into a “fender bender” and the guy said he was going to have it towed I said ok well that’s fine but if I see you just leave the vehicle I’ll report it and have it towed anyhow. The guy then changed on me and started the usual cursing and threatening us guards get to receive he threatened to find out who I am I was more then willing to tell him but his story made no sense. His buddy then got involved cause I was recording his buddy tried 4 different times to get out of his vehicle to fight me but was threatening to call my company cause I was filming him and harassing him-but wait your threatening to fight me but I’m harassing you….??? And if someone is involved in a minor traffic accident wouldn’t you call the police not just leave your vehicle at 4am in downtown Santa Cruz near the river in a empty parking lot. I put the vid up. I reported it to PD as the guys buddy circled twice giving me dirty looks. People just know Santa Cruz is a place to just do whatever you want if you have the right kind of attitude you can get away with just about anything. If I had a quarter for every time I heard “stop harassing me, I’m going to sue you and your company!” Or I’m going to file a Grievance. I’m sure it works sometimes for the wrong people especially in places like SC where the Wrong Types of people get coddled I guess is the best word. More people need to be out when Iam to see and experience what I do ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO WANT TO RUN SANTA CRUZ. fix what goes on-Any night of the week in Santa Cruz.
I recommend going on MugShotsSantaCruz. You’ll see the same people and I promise you’ll see so many people you see on the streets or have dealt with personally,at least you’ll know there names and birthdays.
Dave says: It’s funny when I tell these guys that are trying car door handles that I’m calling Pd they ask WHY!?
This makes me want to laugh out loud and also makes me sick to my stomach. I fully agree that anyone who wants to run this city needs to go out and spend an evening with him. This should also be mandatory for anyone in the “enabling industry”—if they want to distribute needles, food, etc. then they need to see the consequences of their actions.
In an effort to assist California in its relentless race to the bottom, Governor Newsome is proposing to cut the duration of criminals probation periods in order to . . . wait for it . . . reduce car break-ins. Seriously! This is from the Sacramento Bee:
“Gov. Gavin Newsom’s plan to reform probation in California would dramatically cut the amount of time criminals can spend under supervision, capping the maximum penalty at two years instead of five.
He characterizes the proposal as one that would actually reduce crime by focusing resources in the first 18 months of probation and freeing up money for other anti-recidivism programs.”
Sounds good – everyone knows that reducing punishment reduces crime, right? Welcome to California Mierda. Thanks Ben for another great weekly update!
As a follow up to my comment about Governor Newsom’s plan to reduce probation for California criminals, that will be a Godsend for Santa Cruz turnstilers.
Sure, but we all know that probation doesn’t mean jack shit around here. Is it supposed to be a deterrent or something? LOL
Exactly. I guess the Governor is simply attempting to codify the status quo.
Yes, the Leftists have gone to stage left on the council seating.
I’m sure Kessler would agree the Glover/Krohn fan club was in fine form on Tuesday saying the recall is all about Glover being “too black”, Krohn “too hippy”, a snort “lacking forensic evidence”, these two are “the most qualified council members that have ever been”, “get rid of these humans , keep Glover”, etc.
I suppose, maybe, to his credit not once did Cummings remand someone for speaking over their time limit, even gave you know who in robes 4 minutes just because he said he represented a group, however I have to think the advocates are going to pounce on this and expect lots of time over-run speeches (and giving a group speaker 4 minutes when there are only 30 total is quite unfair since then others time was cut to 1 minute, and also because of the time over-runs).
There must be some middle ground between that and a shrill “You time is up, Next speaker!” cut off. Maybe an air horn at the end of 2 minutes or start playing the final jeopardy music with 15 sec to go?
I saw the nuances of my arguments to clarify the somewhat odious “tenant free speech” ordinance was lost on them. It was a confusing and obvious misrepresentation of state law (although technically not changing landlord or tenants rights per state law, just adding fines on landlords) which upon reading can easily be construed as tenants having more rights than they have.
It was another “victim-oppressor” must punish evil landlords piece which is divisive. Never mind rent control hooligan types trashed a great many “No on M” yard signs and where was any protection against that? Seems like pandering to their (Krohn/Brown/Cummings originator) base.
Even 50k is way to low for a charge like lewd acts with a minor under 14. If that was my kid I’d be livid. It’s not my kid and it’s still upsetting.
PS, got my 4-runner ransacked on Tuesday night. It was in my driveway. Sigh.
I’d be more than livid, I would get physical with said perp.
You should cover the race for Superior Court Judge, check out Jack Gordon:
Ben, we got to do something about the “Turnstyle Problem” in this town. Do you have a policy about naming names? I see you got the rap sheets but blank out the name so I guess you do. I’d like to track down the people that are responsible for this outrage and embarrass them on your blog till they stop doing it? Or is this idea not going to fly? Keep up the good work though.
I put up 20+ vids on the YouTube-Any Night of the week in Santa Cruz
Ya the creeps don’t like to be filmed but it’s been apart of my job requirements to record all incidents and or people I come into contact with. And these are the vids I can show sometimes I get just as or even more vulgar then the scum bags do, mainly to let them know I’m not intimidated or amused and I can dumb myself down and curse and act Low Class/Low LIFE when I want to.
Like I’ve said Mugshots Santa Cruz is a great site to familiarize yourself with all our wonderful Repeat Offenders and I’m sure people will start to see the pattern of the top 35 or so Repeaters. I’ve said it and I’ll keep saying it 100+ regular citizens with bright flash lights,smartphones can go around at night and expose the creeps criminals and drug addicts. Since there more security presence then police presence anyway in this town I guess I s up to us to do all the work. Let me know where and when to join-
im glad that recording them is part of your job. makes the job more safe for you.
did anyone see this survey?
just click on “other” for every question and write “get the drugs out of here” lol
Dave, I think you qualify for sainthood. I can’t thank you enough for being out there night after night. I just wish we could turn this ship around, I am willing to help. And thank you Ben for reporting the real news as the Sentinel is just garbage at this point, we even stopped our subscription.
What’s your YouTube channel?
I super appreciate that complement! But I’m just doing my job really, but the ratio of guards to real law enforcement is way off. Observer and report when- policing, medical/mental help /Hazmat car/store window repair is what’s needed 24/7 here in downtown SC. If you let some of these “ people “ run there “games” and you get suckered into it all us guards/innocent people that get involved/suckered end up doing is calling an ambulance or calling PD then they call an ambulance. From there I’m guessing they get get looked at by a ER nurse and released or they make a fuss and get booked and put in jail for a bit, then they win the little game there playing free medical check up and a place to stay and some food to eat maybe get some more benefits/camping gear ect ect. Then back on the streets!
But those on hard drugs the streets is where they live it’s where the drugs are. They beg during the day into the night till there’s no one to beg off of then and meanwhile they keep an eye out for a unlocked car doors open garages ect. and when those resources aren’t available-smash and grab/ take any that looks valuable that’s not bolted down and if it’s bolted down come back later with stolen tools. We all know how and who’s doing all the thefts and break-ins. Its usually single or a small group of males ages 15-45 on foot bike scooter skateboard that wander around all day and night will the sole purpose of STEALING they even carry specific tools and have knowledge of lock picking or just smash and grab.
I keep it simple. Enforce a curfew that allows law enforcement to stop and question anyone traveling on foot bike scooter and especially Skateboard after a set time in the evening. Those with nothing to hide I’m sure wouldn’t mind those who don’t like that idea are the ones that are the problem. Unless someone calls and reports a specific item stolen with a description and direction of travel these “ people “ can literally walk down the street with a cash register and PD won’t look twice at them cause for some reason the “homeless “ are protected and can do whatever they want. WHY!?!?
But there’s also the fact that sooooo many of these “homeless “ addicts get CHECKS! For a multitude of reasons and resources and they get to spend it all on DRUGS! So the junkies will still get there fix what I’m trying to resolve is all the Break-in’s and theft in SC.
The things I’ve seen being carried around on skateboards bikes shopping carts and on foot is mind blowing not to mention the stuff hauled off in cars trucks vans RV’s every dam day. I heard a guy say in the Trader Joe’s parking area alone last year about 600 break-ins and I quote “And PD doesn’t do Shit about it”. I don’t blame PD one bit my parents were in law enforcement but Sheriff’s Office and they don’t play in that department but it’s the laws and judges that get the final say and around here we know all to well THATS THE PART THAT NEEDS THE MOST CHANGING.
Getting arrested isn’t a big deal gettn bookeD isn’t a big deal it’s the amount of time you serve and what if any probation is what most criminals are figuring in there heads. I’m a firm believer in making these non locals go back to where they came from once they get booked and where they live is reviled. NO CAMPING IN SANTA CRUZ COUNTY. A personal law id like in affect is if you look like and can’t really provide for yourself NO PETS ESPECIALLY DOGS AND CATS for obvious reasons.
I’m saying a lot here cause I don’t always chime in and some shifts don’t allow me the time to write. I’m always blown away but never really surprised about the stuff Ben finds to report. I hope more people read then respond here but even if the Weekly dump just has a small following I’m glad I’m apart of it. We don’t need a ton of people or money to Fix SC. We just need the right formula with COMPLETE FOLLOW THRU from the streets to the court room REAL PROBATION [ strict] and keep it 5years!
I’d like to attend some of these council meetings. But I’m not sure if it would be a good idea cause I’d expect to much and I know better. But could you please imagine if SC changed into everything SC SHOULD BE. maybe that’ll be the day California crumbles into the ocean. I just got to keep telling myself in doing a little an addict important job that regular people appreciate it’s the scum bag thieves and addicts that don’t like what I do.
I agree with you 100%! When I moved here I ’78 it was a magical place, I hope we can return to that, but we need to stop the drugs and illegal camping.
Any night of the week in Santa Cruz 0-23
That’s the YouTube channel name