The Weekly Dump 5.29.20

Santa Cruz County Updates Coronavirus Restrictions

Santa Cruz County’s Health Officer has issued a new revised Shelter in Place order to align with the state. Under the new order, the county will allow office work spaces, in-store retail, places of worship, manufacturing, some personal services, protests and outdoor museums to open. The order went into effect earlier this week. Businesses are required to comply with social distancing protocols and the county’s face covering order. Child care is open to the children of workers and volunteers in all open sectors. In-store retail will also need to follow state guidance here. Religious services and funerals can be held again, but attendance is limited to 25% of a building’s capacity or 100 people, whichever is lower. Restaurants are still only allowed to offer takeout or delivery options. Dine-in service is not allowed until counties enter the Stage 2 of reopening extension. The county said it has started the process of applying, and it is expected to be submitted on June 2. Beaches will still be closed from 11AM to 5PM. This order is set to expire July 1st.

Outstanding Suspect Wanted For Attempted Murder Arrested

Last Thursday morning, SCPD assisted Watsonville Police apprehend a 23 year old man wanted in connection with an attempted murder in 2017. He was arrested on the 700 block of N. Branciforte Avenue in Santa Cruz, and according to police he is a known gang member who drove the getaway car to help two other men attempt to shoot and murder a man in 2017. The other men were arrested in 2017 and remain in county jail awaiting trial.

Robbery is a Labor of Love

Wednesday afternoon around 1:30PM, SCPD responded to the 1700 block of Mission Street in Santa Cruz where they arrested a 22 year old man from San Jose for robbery. He was also arrested this past Sunday for something, but obviously he got out of jail free for that before committing this latest robbery. Last check the self professed “laborer” was still in county jail on a $50K bond.

Resisting Arrest Gets Your Get Out of Jail Free Card Revoked

Monday morning around 1:30AM, SCPD responded to the 100 block of Blaine Street in Santa Cruz where they eventually arrested a 41 year old male on two counts of resisting arrest, one of them a felony. He didn’t get out of jail free. He’s still sitting in county jail on a $5K bond.

Downtown is a Literal Dumpster Fire

Last Saturday night around 11:30PM, someone torched a couple of dumpsters near the 800 block of Front Street in downtown Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz Fire extinguished the blazes without too much damage. Nobody was arrested and SCPD doesn’t appear to have any suspects.


Wednesday night around 5PM, Santa Cruz Sheriff’s deputies responded to the area near Scott’s beach off Highway 1 north of Santa Cruz where they arrested a 52 year old Fremont man for resisting arrest, being under the influence of a controlled substance, and stealing a weapon from a peace officer. And violating quarantine. He got out of jail free. I hope the deputy got his weapon back!

No Free Cards For Looters

Tuesday around 10:30AM, Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s deputies responded to the 4100 block of Soquel Drive where they arrested a 34 year old male on multiple charges of burglary, looting, possession of stolen property, and being drunk in public. His bail was set at $100K (impressive!) and last check he was still sitting jail.

Camp Coonerty is Back For Another Round of Polluted Failure!

Tuesday afternoon around 5:30PM, SCPD arrested a 22 year old woman from Livermore in San Lorenzo park and charged her with drug possession, resisting arrest, theft, providing false ID, and burglary. Was she one of the tent squatters or just doing business with them? Can we ship her ass back to Livermore?

Arsonist Arrested on Skid Row

Tuesday night around 6:30PM, SCPD responded to the area of Encinal and River Streets (aka “Skid Row”) where they arrested a 65 year old Ben Lomond bum for torching something, since he was charged with arson and his bail was set at $25K. he didn’t get one of those “golden tickets” either, so he’s still sitting in jail.

Santa Cruz City Council Zooms Along

The Santa Cruz city council held another virtual meeting this past week, and they seemed to actually get a few things done. Imagine that! I guess that’s much easier to accomplish when you don’t have Harry and Lloyd up there mucking shit up anymore. Speaking of D&D, I heard Glover got a new job!

But back to the meeting, I guess the council ended up approving a LONG debated construction project involving the intersection of Highways 1 and 9. Skid Row! Apparently the project involves grant money (so it likely costs the city nothing) but leave it to the knee jerk progressives (Brown and Beiers) to whine about it. I think they wanted to spend the money on other stuff, like the homeless. That’s not how grants work. And they voted unanimously (grudgingly I’m sure) to declare the city’s intention to shift from at-large to district elections. With district elections, the city would be divided into districts and voters from each district would elect their own member for city council. “There is not much of a preference to move to a district-based process”, according to Justin Cummings. I guess he hasn’t seen my poll I’ve been running for more than a year. The earliest a district-based electoral system would come into effect would be 2022.

Four Years and Counting

I started this on May 27, 2016. This week marks 4 years. It’s a long way there. It’s a long way to where I’m going.

It’s a Long Way There – Little River Band

Get Your Swagger On!

I have swag! I’m working with Spreadshirt and have my own shop. I just put some basic products up to start with for now with the new logo. You can also click “Customize” and “Products” and pick from other products not currently available in my store. Contact me with any questions or issues. Nothing would make me happier than to see people out and about with my swag. I want photos! I’ve never asked for money, and I still plan to continue to do the Weekly Dump each week and make it available for free, without any paywall or ads or spam (or salary). Think of this as a way of donating to the effort and getting something back for your donation (I only make a few bucks on each item sold). I’d love to do more with Santa Mierda if I had the means to do so. This will help provide the means to do so. And it helps get the word out. The hell with the coronavirus, let’s make this viral. Being stuck inside is the perfect time for online shopping! I’ll love you long time if you buy my swag.

The Santa Mierda Podcast Network

Be sure to check out the Santa Mierda Podcast Network! You can find the Santa Mierda Podcast Network on SoundCloud. And Apple Music. And Spotify. It’s free so check it out and give it a listen!

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28 Responses

  1. Nice picture of you! Congratulations on four years! I moved to Santa Cruz in 1970 when it was a nice place to live. My husband and I are getting the hell out of California as soon as possible. Thank you for all you do and I hope you keep on keeping on!

    Judie W.

  2. I have been a fan for years and still look forward to reading The Weekly Dump every Friday even though I moved out of the area a year and a half ago. I really thought I would read something this week about the Great Santa Cruz Share Collective and also about little Matty Middeltons? Ashes being stolen out of her father’s car most likely by a homeless person.
    Sending good vibes to Santa Cruz ?

  3. Ah, it’s so nice to see Santa Cruz returning to normal. By that I mean, there’s more news about bums, gangstas, and druggies than about the virus.

  4. Yes, the council is getting along swell and no more drama. However, the Leftist agenda is just as bold as Golder has nothing to say so far, and Beiers self-admittedly hinted she is up past her bedtime by the evening session. I hope recent events get people to begin to notice that unless the people hold government accountable, they pretty much do what they want, you like it or not.
    Otherwise, it needs some more volunteers, but some of us decided to start parking cars early in the AM around Garfield Park to show the homeless RV squatters they don’t get to do whatever they want forever, deprive at least some of them one of the better spots to hang, squat, and misbehave occasionally since the parking authority put up no park 12-6 signs (thanks). I think the “fire-twirling” (a staff with kerosene canisters on the ends) at night by of one of them got some attention.

    • “Beiers self-admittedly hinted she is up past her bedtime by the evening session”. I could have seen that coming from miles away. Others have mentioned she seems disinterested and unprepared. She’s ninety years old. What did they expect? What did she expect? She’ll only be around for another 5 months and then she can go back to being retired. She’s just trying to keep a progressive seat warm.

  5. Keep up the good work. If not for your reporting of crime and anti social behavior our chief of police would have you think we’re living in paradise
    Speaking of paradise our jail population is maybe 150. With a comfortable occupancy of 300+. Paradise awaits those with get out of jail free card across Water street at the bench lands.

    • Thanks! I’ve heard others mention the occupancy rate of the jail right now and the lack of increasing capacity. How many coronavirus cases have been detected within the county jail inmate population? None that I’m aware of. Just test everyone that goes in.

      • Does anyone else find it weird that worh the oh so contagious covid spreading around, that more homeless and bums who obviously dont take care of themselves (in fact the opposite) and don’t follow any mask or social distancing mandates… yet they arnt flooding the hospitals dropping like flies left and right? And not even a whisper of spread in the jail they love to frequent like a black friday sale at Best Buy?
        Hmmm, makes one wonder, no?

  6. I’m all for district elections. Have been for years. I even have a copy of the legal documents for the prior attempt somewhere in my pile of old stuff.

    I’m curious how the city will be carved up into districts. (It seems that the city routinely overlooks that our part of the city even exists. I don’t think I have seen a SCPD car in our area this year.)

  7. Shame on that sherriff who got his “weapon” taken… hopefully not his gun…? Is that not the first thing they teach you in cop school… to protect your weapon at all times???
    Within the county we have 200 reported covid infection, 2 deaths, and wait for it… 193 RECOVERIES. (Am I the only one who sees how overblown this lockdown is?)
    yes, that’s the stuff they dont like to advertise…
    So with that, we’re still under the thumb of progressive county health chief who feels it necessary to be behind the rest of the state under the idea its better to be “safe” than sorry… “safe” meaning wearing masks and face coverings that dont actually work unless they’re N95… also keeping local business at a stand still until they completely go out of business…
    Maybe I’m just biased because I work for a local small business and have witnessed first hand how ridiculous, inconsistent and ass backwards this lockdown is… I can go to the enclosed Costco and mingle with 300+ exposed shoppers and employees man-handeling all the groceries I bring home, but god forbid I visit the fresh air and sunshine of a park or beach (eye roll).
    Not to mention bums apparently are void of all these regulations and mandates as they shit and piss cough and spit all over the sidewalks of downtown and parks.
    Thanks Santa Cruz for proving how hypocrisy can persevere over common sense with a limp like “functionality”.

  8. Four years, thank you Ben! We’re the lucky recipients of all your hard work which runs the gamut of SMH to LOL to WTF.

  9. Ben, I add my congrats. And, V-neck tee swag looks good on me.

    Did you notice that the upcoming county shelter-in-place order will allow political protests? Just in time for our elderly local progressives to gather at the town clock, with “I side with Antifa” signs, or whatever else is fashionable and useless. Fortunately, they won’t be smashing into any large department stores downtown, there being none. Maybe they’ll grab a few bottles from the wine tasting shops, in the name of social justice.

  10. Do you notice that most the retail shops did not open? Why would they when the workers are making more on unemployment. Time for people to start waking up…..

    • Won’t open because there are too few shoppers. Small business owners, being self-employed, do not collect unemployment insurance. And, did you realize that the Metro buses will not let you board, if you are carrying anything deemed “inessential”? So if a store is open, and you purchase (say) some clothing not disguised as food, which you have in a shopping bag that you can carry on your lap while seated, you may be refused bus service? Indeed, the driver may call the cops on you. So unless that store is within short walking distance, you can only shop using your private car. That is, if you can find a place to park that is not roped off.

  11. Happy Anniversary, dude! Always enjoy your weekly reports. Keep on reporting what we don’t always hear about in the news. You’re doing important work.

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