The Weekly Dump 3.5.21

Transient Nearly Beaten to Death in San Lorenzo Park Homeless Camp

Last week, Santa Cruz Police responded to the illegal homeless camp being allowed to fester in San Lorenzo Park (by a judge in Sacramento), after getting reports of a badly beaten man near a tarp covered area within the larger homeless encampment there. They found a 33 year old male who had been critically beaten, requiring evacuation to an out of county trauma center. I heard on social media from someone who claimed to know the victim, and said he was assaulted by other people in the camp with a set of bike handlebars and possibly a skateboard. Police have made no arrests and have not shared any suspect information or motive. But of course Bad Mom has all the answers as usual!

Beaten by bats by vigilantes? God this grifter is so full of shit. And so is any dumbass that believes anything she says. The victim’s own friends told her that her story is crap. But Bad Mom never lets facts get in the way of a good, Divine opportunity to get up on her soapbox and lift her leg to piss her opinion out there. Fear mongering the homeless, the poor, the mentally ill, the drug addled, so you can grift attention and spare change. Karma. It’s why you are what you are. And don’t get me started on Tim Goncharoff. He might send his ladies after me.

Boulder Creep

This past Monday, Santa Cruz Sheriff’s deputies arrested a man for allegedly stealing mail in the Boulder Creek area. The Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office says there have been at least five reports of mail theft in that area since last Wednesday. Using surveillance video provided by a resident, deputies identified the suspect and arrested him at his home in Santa Cruz. Deputies recovered a significant amount of mail and will be working to contact the rightful owners, according to the sheriffs office reports.

Felton Woman Arrested as Serial Arsonist Suspect

Last Sunday, deputies from the Santa Cruz Sheriff’s department arrested a 39 year old woman suspected of setting several fires in the Felton area. She was arrested for felony arson after she was found near an arson fire in the Henry Cowell area. Cal Fire reported that several suspicious fires have been set in the Felton-area in recent months that she may be connected to. She’s currently facing 7 charges and her bail has been set at $50K. As of Thursday she was still in jail. Gee, I wonder if she was responsible for this next story.

Burning Down the Town

Midnight fire, at highway 1 and ocean street northbound interchange from r/santacruz

Here’s a short video shot as a driver recently came into town on Highway 17. This is what idiot compassion gets us.

Why Bother Pulling Over?

Thursday morning around 9:30AM, SCPD began chasing some guy in a Nissan Ultima after he failed to yield. After he blew through a couple stop signs near Water and Ocean streets, SCPD called off the pursuit. he eventually reportedly got on Highway 17 driving recklessly where CHP attempted to pick up the pursuit. They got his license plate number though. Will it matter. Probably not. He’d just get cited or at worst, penny bail.

The Weekly Seen

Unless Rueda and Rubalcava are juveniles (and if they are why is Mills naming them publicly?), they are both out of jail already. Carranza is in “flash incarceration”, which basically means he had been previously let out of jail on parole and now he’s getting the equivalent of a “jail time out” before they let him back out again, probably next week. Turnstilers of the week!

Fatal DUI Crash Kills Passenger Along Highway 9

Thursday night around 10:30PM, a woman driving north along Highway 9 near Sequoia lost control of a Nissan Xterra before going off the road and rolling over. A passenger not wearing a seatbelt was ejected in the rollover and died al a local hospital. The 21 year old driver from Boulder Creek was treated for minor injuries and arrested on suspicion of felony DUI.

Santa Cruz County COVID Updates

There have been 14,760 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Santa Cruz County, according to the Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency, and 340 are active cases. 187 people have died, 441 have been hospitalized, 11 people are currently hospitalized, and 2 are in the ICU. 14,233 people have recovered from the disease. A total of 117,318 people have tested negative.

Santa Cruz County is in the purple tier of the Blueprint for a Safer Economy, meaning many non-essential indoor business operations are closed. Its adjusted case rate is at 6.5, and it needs to be at 7 or below to move up. It also has a 2.9% positivity rate, and that needs to be at 8% or below to move up. The county is moving closer to a less restrictive red tier that could happen next week. If that happens, restaurants can return to indoor dining at 25% capacity.

It’s Back to School Time

Santa Cruz County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Faris Sabbah said more than 4,500 teachers and staff have been vaccinated which accounts for 75% of the total staff.For now just elementary schools will be reopening. Middle school and high school can’t reopen until the county progresses to the state’s red tier, or when the county’s adjusted case rate drops below 7.0.

Get Your Swagger On!

I have swag! I’m working with Spreadshirt and have my own shop. I just put some basic products up to start with for now with the new logo. You can also click “Customize” and “Products” and pick from other products not currently available in my store. Contact me with any questions or issues. Nothing would make me happier than to see people out and about with my swag. I want photos! I’ve never asked for money, and I still plan to continue to do the Weekly Dump each week and make it available for free, without any paywall or ads or spam (or salary). Think of this as a way of donating to the effort and getting something back for your donation (I only make a few bucks on each item sold). I’d love to do more with Santa Mierda if I had the means to do so. This will help provide the means to do so. And it helps get the word out. The hell with the coronavirus, let’s make this viral. Being stuck inside is the perfect time for online shopping! I’ll love you long time if you buy my swag.

The Santa Mierda Podcast Network

Be sure to check out the Santa Mierda Podcast Network! You can find the Santa Mierda Podcast Network on SoundCloud. And Apple Music. And Spotify. It’s free so check it out and give it a listen!

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4 Responses

  1. Ben didn’t mention anything about the corona virus outbreak in the homeless camp on Highway one / River street, so I’ll do it. 13 cases since early February. No news anywhere about it for 6 weeks. Not even from Bad Mom. It must have been a top secret thing in local government. The good news is we diverted vaccine to the homeless. The bad news is that seniors with 3 week old appointments to be vaccinated by OptumServe in Watsonville had their appointments cancelled with no reason given. Oh, no one heard about that either? My my.

  2. Ben, we are not alone. Quote from Laura at steyenonline, a relatively right-wing site:

    “I had occasion to be in downtown Toronto [Canada] last week and it looks like a third-world sh&t hole. Actually, I take that back. That’s really mean. Please forgive me, Third World. I didn’t mean to insult you by comparing you to Toronto! The Toronto downtown core is full of boarded up stores, closed businesses and restaurants, and a generous sprinkling of drug addicts, mentally ill persons and assorted homeless people sleeping on the sidewalks. …”

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