The Weekly Dump 4.2.21

Transient Stabbed While Camping in San Lorenzo Park

Thursday morning around 1:30AM, reports came in that a male camping along the San Lorenzo river had been stabbed in the back in his tent. SCPD showed up with medics but no suspect was arrested and they had no leads as to who did the stabbing. The victim, who was uncooperative with police, required medical attention for his injuries. Nothing in the news and of course, we hear nothing about this from our babbling idiot of a police chief. It doesn’t fit his narrative. Unless it serves his purpose, he’d rather not talk about it. I’m happy to talk about it instead. That camp is a dangerous, nasty, shithole that needs to be removed OUT OF THE PARK.

Watsonville Murder Suspect Arrested in Gilroy

Tuesday night around 9:30PM, Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s deputies responded to the 100 block of Delaney Avenue in Watsonville for reports of a family disturbance. When they arrived, they found a 55 year old male victim who ultimately died at the scene. The victim’s 38 year old brother is suspected of killing him. Thursday afternoon, the suspect was arrested at some crappy motel in Gilroy after a standoff with police that included SWAT.

Locking Down Felix Street

Tuesday afternoon around 1:30PM, SCPD responded to a residence in the 200 block of Felix Street for a call of a domestic disturbance and battery. When officers arrived, they determined a male suspect had brandished a semi-automatic handgun while fighting with a friend, threatening to kill him. The victim was able to flee the scene unharmed before calling police. Police couldn’t determine if the 38 year old suspect was still on scene, possibly hiding or barricading himself inside the residence. They locked down the area, neighboring residents were ordered to shelter-in-place, surrounding streets were closed, and school campuses were placed on precautionary lockdown.

They even brought in the Bearcat and used a drone for air support and surveillance. The lockdown lasted for hours, until it became apparent the suspect wasn’t at the scene but somewhere in the Pogonip, as they were able to track his phone and triangulate his location. Around 5:30PM, he was spotted on the 100 block of Golf Club Drive where he was arrested without incident. He was booked into Santa Cruz County Jail on charges of criminal threats, assault with a deadly weapon, false imprisonment, and battery.

Pair Arrested for Watsonville Attempted Murder

Two people were arrested on Thursday in connection with a Watsonville shooting last week that left a teenager in critical condition. The March 24th shooting happened near Stanford and Madison Streets. The victim was shot multiple times and flown to a trauma center for treatment but is expected to survive. The two suspects, a 28 year old male and a 16 year old male, are facing attempted murder charges.

Public Bathrooms Are the New Safe Injection Sites

Last Saturday night around 8PM, nice warm evening in Santa Cruz, lots of folks down at the Boardwalk enjoying the sunset, and next thing you know, SCPD and medics converge on the public bathrooms next to the wharf for a report of someone overdosed in the bathroom. First responders gave the junkie narcan and CPR, and managed to prevent the inevitable this time. I’m sure it gave all the tourists down there quite the impression of Santa Cruz. And speaking of needles and the compassionate idiots that hand them out like candy…..

The State of Idiocracy

The State legislators in Sacramento are trying to make it difficult if not impossible for local cities and counties to regulate the random distribution of needles in OUR community. Sacramento is once again telling Santa Cruz what’s best for Santa Cruz. We need to shove back on Sacramento and protect our town. Enough of the idiocracy. CA AB-1344 is a direct threat to local control of the environmental impacts of needle waste. Assembly Member Dr. Joaquin Arambula (District 31 -Fresno) introduced AB-1344, which would significantly weaken environmental protections in cities and counties and prevent the ability of local officials to maintain public spaces free of needle waste. Santa Cruz has already filed a lawsuit against a local group of volunteers and non-professionals who are overwhelming our community with distributed needle garbage, requiring costly clean-up of discarded needles and reducing access to our official county health department addiction services. Specifically, AB-1344 would:

  • Exempt California Dept. of Public Health authorized Syringe Services Programs from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
  • Explicitly specify that improperly discarded needles or syringes shall not constitute a public nuisance, thereby limiting the ability of local authorities to address needle waste in public spaces.

A copy of the proposed amendment can be found here.

The specific laws the proposed amendment would undermine are:

  • CEQA: California Environmental Quality Act
  • Safe Needle Disposal Act of 2004: The Legislature found the following: (1) Every year, more than 2 billion needles and syringes are used outside of healthcare settings; (2) Most of these needles are improperly stored and then are placed in either municipal trash or recycling containers, thereby posing serious health risks to children, workers, and the general public. (Stats. 2004, c. 157 (S.B. 1362, §1)).
  • Medical Waste Management Act: The Legislature found that improperly discarded needles present “substantial risks to children, workers and the general public.” Improperly discarded needles pose a “serious health threat” to workers who sort and collect waste because they are “exposed to the danger of being stabbed by needles that poke through clothing, including heavy gloves and boots.” (Assem. Com., Off. of Assem. Floor Analysis, Rep. on Senate Bill No. 1305 (2005-2006 Reg. Sess.) June 16, 2006.)
  • Clean Water Act – plastics in waterways and oceans

I created a new online petition for this, which sends an email to the Assembly Health Committee, and a cc email to the Santa Cruz Board of Supervisors and the Santa Cruz city council. Please sign and share.

No Hold Winner

Last Friday afternoon, deputies from the Santa Cruz Sheriff’s department arrested a 39 year old male in Boulder Creek after trying to use a credit card he apparently stole from a car. He’s facing a total of 38 different charges, and last check he’s still in jail on a no bail hold.

No Injuries in Watsonville Plane Crash

Sunday afternoon around 2PM, a small plane crashed in the area of Harkins Slough Road and Lee Road in Watsonville. Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s deputies responded to the crash site and found both the pilot and a passenger were not injured in the crash. The plane did clip some power lines before hitting the ground, starting a small fire that was quickly put out by CalFire. The crash caused a power outage for over 5,000 customers, according to PG&E reports. The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating.

Camp Coonerty is Back!

In what feels like an annual tradition now, Camp Coonerty is moving back to the San Lorenzo park benchlands. I know, that whole definition of insanity thing. I get it. Obviously the Santa Cruz city council doesn’t. Under a proposal that federal Judge Susan van Keulen approved on Tuesday, a homeless encampment that has been in San Lorenzo Park for months will be moved about a hundred yards to the benchlands. Wow. That’s a compromise? Moving them a hundred yards? WTF? Oh right. This is Santa Cruz. In this new “compromise”, the city will establish 122 campsites spaced six feet apart in the benchlands, a floodplain along the San Lorenzo River. Where they’ve been basically every summer now for the past 5 years or so. Might as well just make it a permanent bum campground and give it a name. I have a suggestion! This is the poster for FAILURE in our community. What a shit show dumpster fire enabled by spineless cowards posing as “progressive leaders”. As part of their proposal to move homeless people back into the benchlands, the city will set rules for the camp’s inhabitants, including a ban on drugs and alcohol. is this a joke? Rules don’t mean shit without enforcement. Who’s going to enforce these new rules? Andy Mills? I don’t think so.

Here is the city’s slate of rules:

  • Ban on drug and alcohol use.
  • No smoking and campfires.
  • No littering.
  • No violence.
  • Restrictions on what belongings unhoused people can have and where they can keep them in the camp.
  • Mandated “quiet hours” between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m.

The judge will consider a request from Anthony Prince (aka “Lil Saul Goodman”), that the city establishes a designated smoking area near the Benchlands since some of the campers are smokers. Smoking is prohibited at all city parks and beaches. The two sides will appear in court again on April 27th.

The Latest COVID Numbers From Santa Cruz County

There have been 15,363 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Santa Cruz County, according to the Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency, with 188 active cases. 200 people have died, 457 have been hospitalized, 2 people are currently hospitalized, and 1 person is in the ICU. 14,975 people have recovered from the disease. A total of 123,273 people have tested negative. Santa Cruz County is in the orange tier of the Blueprint for a Safer Economy. Its adjusted case rate is at 2.0, and it needs to be at 0.9 or below to move up. It also has a 0.8% positivity rate, and that needs to be at 1.9% or below to move up.

Boardwalk Reopens!

It’s been a long time coming, but the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk is back open for business. Which should make a lot of people at the city and county happy. Visitors are welcome back in a limited capacity. Walk-ins are possible, but it’s recommended that visitors try to book online. Season passes are now valid through December 2021. According to the Seaside Company, anywhere from 8-12 rides will be available, requiring a ride wristband. Possible rides include Pirate Ship, Sky Glider, Shockwave, Undertow, Giant Dipper, Rock ‘N Roll, Sea Swings, Wave Rider, Tsunami, Twirlin’ Teacups, Cyclone, Ghost Blasters, Space Race, and 3-4 kiddie rides. No Fireball? They’ll sometimes close for sanitizing. Once capacity is reached, people who have ride reservations will get priority.

Get Your Swagger On!

I have swag! I’m working with Spreadshirt and have my own shop. I just put some basic products up to start with for now with the new logo. You can also click “Customize” and “Products” and pick from other products not currently available in my store. Contact me with any questions or issues. Nothing would make me happier than to see people out and about with my swag. I want photos! I’ve never asked for money, and I still plan to continue to do the Weekly Dump each week and make it available for free, without any paywall or ads or spam (or salary). Think of this as a way of donating to the effort and getting something back for your donation (I only make a few bucks on each item sold). I’d love to do more with Santa Mierda if I had the means to do so. This will help provide the means to do so. And it helps get the word out. The hell with the coronavirus, let’s make this viral. Being stuck inside is the perfect time for online shopping! I’ll love you long time if you buy my swag.

The Santa Mierda Podcast Network

Be sure to check out the Santa Mierda Podcast Network! You can find the Santa Mierda Podcast Network on SoundCloud. And Apple Music. And Spotify. It’s free so check it out and give it a listen!

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16 Responses

  1. I love reading the Weekly Dump ! You have a great way of stating the facts with the right amount of humor muxed in.
    I agree with you regarding our police chief . He is highly ineffective and just what the city council ordered .

    My neighbor Deputy Chief Rick Martinez of the SCPD really deserved to be promoted to chief, but , alas it wasn’t meant to be.

    • I’ve met Rick a few times over the years and he’s a really great guy. SCPD’s loss. Thanks for reading and commenting Kerry.

  2. Ben, shortly after sunset Thursday (April 1), I heard a helicopter patrolling an area in the general vicinity of Wilder Ranch near the coast. Could not see it, so the location is my guess. Went on for some time. Evidently a search. Do you know anything about it? Tide and time do not suggest a sea rescue, and there was no fire, so I visualize a robbery with escape up Highway 1.

    As for that proposed needle law: I cannot imagine what problem that is intended to solve.

    • I think the Wilder Ranch incident involved an injured bicyclist. I heard something about it this morning. The helicopter was a life flight air ambulance I think. Thanks!

  3. I’m quite confident that there are still places to live in this country where citizens don’t have to put up with the endless nonsense that plagues Santa Cruz. Somewhere, the rule of law must be enforced without having to get some judges permission first, isn’t there? If not, then we are wasting huge sums employing local council members, police and sheriffs who aren’t really needed. Just a couple of lawyers and a judge will do just fine.

    And when is our local, perennial politician John Laird going to introduce state legislation to paint parking space and trash can location areas on our state highway homeless camp intersections? It’s as if he doesn’t care its such a mess, and he was the state environmental czar for years. But once again its crickets from the state and politicians who refuse to do their jobs.


    The majority of the drug addicts,criminals,drug dealers, individuals who are just throwing there lives away and mentally ill in the Downtown Santa Cruz area are MOSTLY MEN teenage to young adult males that then turn into “Adult” Males. Theses guys are the worst society has to offer and to be honest even the biggest baddest hardcore “drug addict criminal “ in Santa Cruz is a Cream Puff wimp in a bigger city. I’ve been around.

    What Santa Cruz has bred is men who know they can do and sell drugs to support there habit they know they are allowed to “sleep” or be just anywhere they want to be 24/7 even if it’s private property. The biggest bonus these scum bag drug addict criminals get here in SC is the fact that cause they are scum bag criminal drug addicts they are GIVEN the RIGHT to openly HARASS anyone they want even ASSULT THEM and they won’t get into ANY TROUBLE and “IF!!!” They do get arrested they will just be released in a few hours maybe get fed and have a place to hang out with other drug addicts scum bag criminals In the tank in the SC jail.

    And a even bigger bonus these scum bag criminal drug addicts get just for finding the Drug Mecca SC is that they are now apart of the PROTECTED AND CATERED to DRUG ADDICT CRIMINAL SCUM BAG SOCIETY headed by A.K. the regular citizens of SC are not allowed to call the police on OR protect themselves against or simply be against the DRUG ADDICT SCUM BAG SOCIETY OF SANTA CRUZ CALIFORNIA. Certain “people” use the “homeless” as there own personal army to chase away security guards and or anyone who stands in the way of open drug use, violence and loitering/trespassing. How it works is if anyone of these scum bag criminal drug addicts has a beef with or feels wronged by anyone they run and tell one of these “king or queen scum bags” and they will call the owners of the building/property and tell them if they don’t get there “way “ they will tell mass groups of “homeless”to occupy said area or property And any threat will be “dealt” with. And it works every time.

    THEN?really what is downtown SC!?!?-the second you arrive all you see is the criminal drug addict scum bags if you dare to look around YOU WILL FIND NEEDLES (huge danger to kids and dogs!!) oh and anyone else DUH!! Your vehicle has a 1 out of 5 chance it will be broken into and or vandalized 1 out of 3 if you stay long enough or park in the wrong place and if you car does get vandalized broken into or stolen you’ll be lucky if an officer will even bother to take a report dispatch will just tell you to file a report ONLINE. You WILL get a parking ticket if your not careful or towed. You will get “people “ begging you for money if you refuse you WILL be HARASSED OR ASSAULTED. There’s really not to many stores to shop from really not to many places to eat. The Boardwalk and Mystery Spot are the best entertainment SC has to offer [yawn]. THERE ARE NEXT TO NO BATHROOMS!!!!!!!! cause of DRUG ADDICTS. And RENT!! And to be a business owner in SC. I know a few and they are beyond screwed and have no way out besides going broke.

    But if your a drug addict scum bag criminal-there are tons of people to get drugs from once you get here FREE NEEDLES and it’s the opposite of illegal to do drugs and sell drugs in SC so no need to hide only from other drug addicts while you do your drugs so you don’t have to share your drugs. You can park your vehicle anywhere you want as long as you want even if your registration is expired NO ONE OF AUTHORITY WILL BOTHER YOU. food and camping gear is provided just have to know where to go to get your free hand out. You can poop and pee anywhere you like and throw your used needles anywhere. Oh and setting fires is ok. I hope sc losses it’s funding for the Highway 9 build.

    I’d love to join in a huge protest with a huge sign advertising THE WEEKLY DUMP/SANTA MIERDA!! Cause there’s no sign big enough to put what is wrong with SC. I wish I could toss flyers all over SC and neighboring city’s to get as many REGULAR PEOPLE to read what’s going on and what has been going on here in SC. Hope Ben never leaves us and keeps his Fight going on until Santa Cruz Changes to where CRIMINALS ARE TREATED LIKE CRIMINALS AND REGULAR LAW ABIDING CITIZENS ARE TREATED LIKE LAW ABIDING CITIZENS AND NOT THE OTHER FREAKN WAY AROUND.

  5. It’s so thoughtful of the city to create a One-Stop Addict Mall for our local drug dealers. No more driving all over town to find their customers. All the drug dealers need to do now is walk from blue tarp to blue tarp to peddle their wares. First fix is free, and thereafter every needle is free courtesy of our local addict-enablers.

    Of course, it isn’t your average mall where local government at least gets sales tax revenue. Everything about this mall costs the city and all its residents in endless crime and emergency services.

    “Shithole” doesn’t come close to describing Santa Cruz.

    Perhaps the city can incorporate and start a chain of malls called “Addicts R Us”.

    • Thanks for sharing those links (I think).

      Jesus H. Christ, the Harm Reduction Coalition of Santa Cruz County’s website is offering free home delivery of “Bee Stinger” and “Peach Tip” needles. That’s fucked-up beyond description!

  6. Hard to believe the self-rightious fruit-loops who cannot wait to show their mothering instincts for the bums that have accumulated in several areas in and around SCruz. The pix you and others provide of piles/clumps of used needles is what ‘helpers/enablers’ call compassion. But should be called “come piss on” the normal citizens. My mind is boggled by the lack of ability of both your city council and local law enforcement entity to do anything to support your citizens whose taxes pay their salaries.Christ on a crutch!

  7. Santa Mierda is spot on with its reporting, at least from my perspective of reality in Santa Cruz. Sadly, I have read so many issues now and lived with it for so long, I think I am becoming inured to shit show status quo.

    We pitched in and tried to change course of the City and the County in the 1980’s, to no avail. At that time, I figured it couldn’t get worse. I evidently just lacked imagination.

    At this point, I have no idea where rock bottom lies. The election of County Supervisor Manu Koenig could potentially be the start of some long term reversal, but my money is on his voice being crowded out by the other more irrational voices. Either that or he becomes assimilated into the liberal humanist Borg that dominates local politics.

    IMHO the only hope lies with everyone in all the supervisorial districts of the County electing candidates that have the discipline to enact changes to the status quo. Sure, they will be attacked by the Needle Flingers, the Hand Wringers and irrationally liberal bell ringers, so any winners hell bent on change will need to view it as a political suicide run.

    Can it happen?

    • Thanks Olivia. I believe the public comment period ended yesterday or today. I know the info was widely shared on NextDoor though. That’s where I found it.

  8. The real winners of course are the local drug dealers and cartel. PD has given way to real criminals. When was the last drug bust? How hard could it be to find out where the drugs are coming from?

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